Resolved Issues: 2020

The following issues were resolved for the 2020 releases.

Resolved Issues: 2020.1.1

  • Altair One has temporarily been removed from the Run pull-down menu. It will be added back when Altair One cloud bursting is available. [IN-22374]
  • Error messages have been updated to reflect changes to disconnected groups workflow. [IN-22348]
  • Enhanced tooltips are now translated for all supported languages. [IN-22291]
  • Fixed an issue where forces at a distance were deleted without warning. [N-22357]
  • Fixed an issue where Lattice Fill was failing when using the Opposite Surfaces option. [IN-22370]
  • Fixed an issue where part connections to a concentrated mass that were established using the Connect Concentrated Mass button on the Concentrated Mass microdialog were not working for motion analysis in the 2020.1 release. [IM-3427]
  • Updated MDL export to include the enabling of contact force results, except for when the Keep Force Results option on the Run Settings window has been set to None. [IM-3429]
  • Updated screen picking to allow the motion contacts glyph to be selected when behind a transparent part. [IM-3432]
  • Fixed a traceback error seen when using At Cylinder and Holes motion contact models when using the Volume collision type, rather than the default (Impact). [IM-3433]
  • Corrected problem of entire set becoming empty when using the Ctrl key while removing parts from motion contact sets. [IM-3436]

Resolved Issues: 2020.1

  • Fixed an issue where the absolute values for Tension/Compression and Von Mises stresses were not matching when creating callouts. [IN-18266]
  • Fixed a vector plot error. [IN-19514]
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate contacts were created by restricting the use of part contacts for SimSolid analysis. [IN-20972]
  • Fixed a preprocessor crash that occurred if all symmetry planes were turned off. [IN-21498]
  • Fixed a crash when deleting rigid connectors. [IN-21541]
  • Fixed Error 52 from SimSolid Stress runs. [IN-21577]
  • Fixed several SimSolid crashes with loads on cylinders. [IN-21439, IN-21633]
  • Fixed an issue where points are snapped to an overlaid part when reviewing analysis results. [IN-21635]
  • Fixed an issue importing JT Files. [IN-21658]
  • Fixed an issue with the SPC card not being referenced by SUBCASE. [IN-21667]
  • Fixed an issue with sketches not being drawn after exiting sketch mode. [IN-21724]
  • Fixed Job Manager conflicts with other clients. [IN-21813]
  • Fixed an issue where spot welds could not be selected after modifying the geometry. [IN-21999]
  • Fixed an issue where models behaved inconsistently when loaded from run history. [IN-22020]
  • Fixed an issue with Min/Max values not matching in callouts. [IN-22229]
  • Fixed crash when running a SimSolid analysis after using Ctrl + Push/Pull. [IN-22284]
  • Fixed a crash after checking for disconnected groups and deleting an overlapping part. [IN-22290]
  • Updated motion model realization for structures forces, torques, and support BCs as needed due to the deprecation of point parts and associated changes in part connectors. [IN-21676, IM-3299, IM-3368]
  • Corrected visibility behavior so that motion entities no longer appear in an orphaned state after using the Reverse Displayed (R key) shortcut. [IM-1477, IM-3244]
  • Changed the placement of the Force Explorer so it is docked on the left-hand side of the modeling window if the Analysis Explorer is already displayed on right-hand side. [IM-1923, IN-19463]
  • Improved the appearance of numerical text used in the Force Explorer so it is more legible when text is drawn in areas where there is poor contrast due to shading or dark part colors. [IM-2029]
  • Improved shape identification for reported box and cylinder use cases where parts had voids or were not completely solid primitives. [IM-2914, IM-3102, IM-3118, IM-3408]
  • Changed the sizing of the torsion damper axis to be more proportional. [IM-3200]
  • Fixed a performance bottleneck in shape identification seen when initiating motion analysis for motion contact models containing a PolyNURBS part. [IM-3224]
  • Improved the default sizing of springs created when selecting holes for spring-to-ground connections. [IM-3230, IM-3237]
  • Fixed an error encountered while creating a motor on a pin defined between two holes. [IM-3235]
  • Fixed traceback errors thrown while exporting .fem files for Analyze Part workflows. [IM-3252]
  • Fixed errors encountered when creating an actuator at a sliding pin joint. [IM-3310]
  • Updated the Ball and Socket joint to more accurately place the joint location at the true center of a spherical feature. [IM-3322]
  • Corrected the At Free Joints mode for the Couplers tool to ignore suppressed free joints and to properly update the candidates when a free joint has been hidden (or unhidden). [IM-3335, IM-3336]
  • Removed the Delta Time parameter from the Table profile for both force actuators and torque motors. This allows a non-zero initial value to be honored. [IM-3338]
  • Fixed reported traceback error encountered when clicking on certain endpoint features for spring-to-ground connections. [IM-3345]
  • Fixed a problem where moments of inertia were being calculated incorrectly for rigid groups that contained at least one massless part. [IM-3356]
  • Fixed a traceback error seen after using the Replace - From File option on a part referenced by a persistent measure. [IM-3360]
  • Corrected an issue in the motion contacts microdialog so the FrictionType=Dynamic Only setting has the expected field available for Friction Transition Velocity. Also updated the width of the Stiffness field for the Impact collision type to be consistent with other data entry fields. [IM-3377, IM-3382]
  • Fixed an issue that would cause motion analysis results to become invalidated (e.g. blue check mark would suddenly disappear) after opening an .stmod file. [IM-3385]
  • Updated the run behavior to ensure that the model is reset to the original configuration when the End Time value is changed while a motion analysis is already running. [IM-3395]
  • Fixed a traceback error encountered during motion load extraction when using a value of 1 for the evenly spaced samples setting. [IM-3404]
  • Updated the motion contacts guide bar to support using Ctrl+Play button while in Tour mode to auto-advance without going into Edit mode immediately after creation. [IM-3410]
  • Modified how color definitions are organized in MDL files exported for MotionView. [IM-3419]

Resolved Issues: 2020.0.1

  • Fixed an issue with EDU licenses. They can now be used to run all Inspire-based solvers.
  • Fixed an issue importing material values for model assemblies from Siemens NX. [IN-20827]
  • Fixed an issue opening .stmod files that were created in Inspire Studio and saved in Inspire. [IN-21907]
  • Fixed an issue where the contact type was changing to bonded upon file save or when the part was pushed-pulled or moved. [IN-21640, IN-21517]
  • Fixed an issue where changing the contact resolution was not properly updating the contact. [IN-21586]
  • Fixed an issue with the visibility of contacts stored in a saved file. [IN-21487]
  • Fixed an issue applying a boundary condition to a split cylindrical face. [IN-21470, IN-21467, IN-21446]
  • Fixed a crash when using undo in the Reaction Forces table. [IN- 21458]
  • Fixed MDL export to correct a syntax error in the global reference frame used by some output requests. [IM-3254]
  • Restored missing animation toolbar that should be present when reviewing motion loads inside the Analysis Explorer and viewing the Results Envelope. [IM-3266]
  • Fixed an issue where invoking the Plot Manager would cause the Delete key to stop working properly. [IM-3295]
  • Updated the naming of the plant signals used by motors and actuators to be more descriptive when exporting MDL files for plant models. [IM-3296, IM-3312]
  • Fixed a problem in MDL export that was causing Jacobian evaluation to be inconsistent with the default used in motion analysis. [IM-3318]

Resolved Issues: 2020

  • Fixed crashes with SimSolid. [IN-20863]
  • Fixed an issue where bearing loads on a face were not identified by SimSolid as a cylindrical. [IN-20945]
  • Fixed an issue where parts with internal cavities were filled during meshing. [IN-19597]
  • Fixed a meshing problem when pressure loads are applied. [IN-18182]
  • Fixed a meshing problem where contacts were not realized in a large model with a small member thickness. [IN-16794]
  • Fixed a read-only error when writing files on a server. [IN-20876]
  • Fixed an issue where an imported fem-file that was previously exported would not run. [IN-20782]
  • Fixed an issue finding contacts. [IN-20960]
  • Fixed an issue with online help when using proxy authentication. [IN-19867]
  • Fixed an issue scrolling the Model Browser when picking. [IN-19806]
  • Fixed an issue in the units for power. [IN-21117]
  • Made changes in MDL Export to avoid browser flashing (during internal rename operation), to minimize the amount of markers being created when using the Global or Local plots option, and to fix marker locations associated with line-of-sight actuator entities. Also made a change to exit Review mode so that part and joint locations are returned to design position before writing the MDL file. [IM-3035, IM-3070, IM-3119]
  • The plants for Motor and Actuator (when using a PID controller) now include the Reference (desired_signal) when MDL is exported. [IM-3127]
  • Updated velocity and acceleration signal measurements for actuator to use a local reference frame (K and L markers in MotionSolve). Likewise, for persistent measures that use a System reference frame it will now use the system as both the 3rd and 4th arguments in the VX/Y/Z and ACCX/Y/Z expressions. [IM-2484, IM-3151]
  • Removed restriction on Output Rate that was preventing fractional values from being entered. [IM-3059]
  • Fixed screen update issue that was preventing immediate (red color) repaint of selected part when using the Rigid Groups tool. [IM-3060]
  • Updated the CSV (Output Steps Only) option on the plotting context menu so that it is not offered when all motion contacts have been suppressed (or made inactive by way of participating parts having been configured off). [IM-3111]
  • Addressed regression in performance seen in joint creation workflows reported when using the 2019.4 release. [IM-3205]
  • Corrected a mistake that unintentionally permitted mesh controls specifications to override the contact resolution setting for motion contacts. [IM-3208]
  • Fixed cause of traceback error that occurred in a reported case when using the Evenly Spaced Samples option for Analyze Part in a model that had motion contacts. [IM-3211]
  • Fixed a number of issues relating to pre- and post-processing of results in Inspire Print3D.