View Material Assignment

Check the materials assigned to parts in your assembly.

  1. Show materials in the assembly.
    1. In the Project Tree, click on the Assembly branch.
    2. Choose Show > Materials in the context menu.
    3. In the dialog, select a material from the list to highlight the corresponding parts in the modeling window.
    4. Click the Properties button to display the material properties of the selected material.
  2. Show parts without materials.
    1. In the Project Tree, click on the Assembly branch.
    2. Choose Show > Parts without materials in the context menu.
      This will hide all parts that have material property assignments. Parts that are still visible do not have material properties. Hidden parts will be shown in ghosted transparent format such that the remaining parts can be visualized in the context of the entire assembly.
  3. Optional: Reshow hidden parts.
    1. Right-click in an empty area of the modeling window
    2. Click Show all hidden parts in the context menu.