Go Template

This template allows you to code functions using Golang 1.15. The skeleton of this template looks like this:
package function

import (
func Handle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        var body []byte

        if r.body !=nil {
                    defer r.Body.Close()
                    body, _= ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)


This code echoes back your request body message with a 200 status code. Probably not very handy but a good starting point.

The Handle function is an HTTP Handler within which your task must run. You can use more functions in your code to make your code cleaner, but the Handle function is the entry point of your serverless function.

Handlers are part of the Go language, so there is really nothing new in this template. Just make sure you write in the http.ResponseWriter in the correct order! You can easily find tons of great information on how to use them. Here are few sources:


Adding third-party dependencies is not allowed at the moment, although this will change in the future. For now, you can use the following pre-installed dependencies (this list will grow):
  • resty: A really nice to use and simple HTTP and REST client library for Go.


Anything you write to stderr will be saved as a log entry. You can use the log package for that:
package function

import (

func Handle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        // ...

        log.Println("My log entry!")
        // ...



Here are some simple examples to illustrate how you can write your own functions using Go.

This is a really simple function that gets a comma-separated list of numbers in the request body and return the sum of them (or an error if the input format is invalid).
package function

import (

func Handle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        var body []byte
        var sum float64 = 0

        //Gets function input
        if r.Body != nil {
            defer r.Body.Close()
            body, _=ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)

        // Parses input as a comma-separated list of numbers
        numbers := strings.Split(string(body), ",")

        //Tries to convert all values to numbers
        for _, number :=range numbers {
            number = strings.TrimSpace(number)
            if value, err :=strconv.ParserFloat(number, 32); err != nil {
                    //Throws an error if something is not a number
                    w.Write([]byte("Invalid input format!"))
            } else {
                    sum += value

        w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%f", sum)))