Move and Scale

Orient objects in 3D space. Rotate, translate, and scale objects using the Move tool.

The Move tool does not feature construction history. For example, if you translate an object, it does not appear as a step in the Model Browser or Construction Tree. You cannot delete the translation to return the object to its original position.

Rotate and Translate Objects

Rotate and translate objects in 3D space along an axis or plane.

  1. Select one or more objects.
    • To select multiple objects, use box selection or hold down Ctrl while clicking the objects.
    • To chain select in the Model Browser, hold down Shift while clicking the names of the objects.
  2. Open the Move tool:
    • Press W.
    • From the Home tools, click the Move icon.

  3. Optional: Enable or Disable Snaps
  4. Optional: Position the Manipulator
  5. In the Control Panel, select Rotate-Translate. Rotate the selected objects:
    • Drag the ring.
    • Click the ring, and then type an angle.
  6. Translate the selected objects:
    To Do this
    Translate along an axis
    • Drag one of the arrows.
    • Click an arrow, and then type a distance.
    Translate within a plane
    • Drag one of the squares.
    • Click a square, and then type the distances.
  7. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.

Scale Objects

Adjust the size of your objects.

  1. Select one or more objects.
    • To select multiple objects, use box selection or hold down Ctrl while clicking the objects.
    • To chain select in the Model Browser, hold down Shift while clicking the names of the objects.
  2. Enter scale mode:
    • Press E.
    • Or press W + Alt.
  3. Optional: Enable or Disable Snaps
  4. Optional: Position the Manipulator
  5. Scale the selected objects:
    • Drag the ring.
    • Click the ring, and then type a Scale factor.
  6. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.

Automatically Ground Objects

Move one or more objects along the global x-y (ground) plane. This action is useful for snapping the lowest point of a non-uniform object (for example, not a cube or sphere) to the ground plane and positioning instances of the same object.

  1. Select one or more objects.
    • To select multiple objects, use box selection or hold down Ctrl while clicking the objects.
    • To chain select in the Model Browser, hold down Shift while clicking the names of the objects.
  2. Open the Move tool:
    • Press W.
    • From the Home tools, click the Move icon.

  3. In the Control Panel, select Auto Ground. Use this tool to place objects in exact relation to each other (e.g., to place objects on tables, etc.)
    In Auto Ground mode, the manipulator disappears, and intersecting red, green, and blue lines are displayed to represent the x, y, and z axes.
  4. Click in the modeling window to position the selected objects along the x-y (ground) plane.
    The tool returns to Rotate-Translate mode.
  5. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.

Pivot Objects

Pivot an object in relation to another object. This feature creates coordinates of rotation that are useful in animation.

  1. Open the Move tool:
    • Press W.
    • From the Home tools, click the Move icon.

  2. Select one or more objects.
    • To select multiple objects, use box selection or hold down Ctrl while clicking the objects.
    • To chain select in the Model Browser, hold down Shift while clicking the names of the objects.
  3. In the Control Panel, select Pivot (Ctrl) or press Ctrl.
    The manipulator is highlighted in red, green, and blue. Pivot from the center of the object to another point. Pivot creates a local axis system for the selected object.
  4. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.