Show Options

Determine what is made visible in the modeling window when viewing analysis results. You can show or hide the initial shape, loads and supports, deformation, and/or contours.

Option Description Note
Show/Hide Initial Shape Show/hide the initial shape as a reference.  
Show/Hide All Loads and Supports Show/hide loads and supports. You can also show only the current loads and supports.  
Show/Hide Deformed State Show/hide the deformed shape as a reference.  
Show/Hide Contours Show/hide contours.  
  • Interpolate during animation: Animate the result contour.
  • Blended contours: Toggle between blended and nonblended contours.
  • Element contour: Show contours based on elements rather than nodes. This option is only available for results types that are based on elements.
  • Vector plot: Display the direction vectors for the displacement result type.
  • Smooth Lattice: For lattice optimization results, create radii between the lattice beams.
Show/Hide Elements Show/hide the element edges. This icon also appears under the view controls in the lower left of the modeling window.