Create polymesh objects from other types of geometry and results.
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Create and modify sketch curves, PolyNURBS, surfaces, and solids.
Use the Fill tool to convert a solid part to a unit cell lattice.
Use the Convert tool to create NURBS surfaces from a unit cell lattice.
Use the Shrinkwrap tool to surround parts with a single isosurface.
Use the Smooth tool to smooth mesh geometry.
Quickly create free-form solid geometry that is smooth and continuous.
Set up your model and run a structural analysis or optimization.
Set up and run a motion analysis, plot the results, and export the results.
Preapare and run an additive manufacturing simulation, and export a file for 3D printing.
Set up and run a basic porosity or thinning analysis.
View the glossary, frequently asked questions, and errors and alerts.
Learn keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls for common operations.