Manufacturing Solutions

Rigid Tool Surface Meshing Dialog

Rigid Tool Surface Meshing Dialog

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Rigid Tool Surface Meshing Dialog

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Use this dialog to mesh rigid tools. This macro generates a quad/tria shell mesh that is ideal for representing rigid tool surfaces.

The following fields and buttons appear on the Rigid Tool Surface Meshing dialog.




Minimum edge length

Type the length of the smallest element edge of all the elements in the mesh.

Maximum edge length

Type the length of the largest element edge of all the elements in the mesh.

Chordal deviation

Type the maximum allowable chordal deviation between the edge of an element and the adjacent geometry.

Fillet angle

Type the maximum allowable angle between two adjacent elements. Similar to chordal deviation, it determines the number of element edges that are used to describe the curvature of a given shape.


Restores the default values in all fields.


Starts the meshing process. You must then select the surfaces to mesh and click proceed to create the mesh on those surfaces.


Closes the Rigid Tool Surface Meshing dialog.


See Also:

Forging Utility Menu