
Used to scan for entities in the HyperMesh database.


*enabledatabase (flag)


HyperMesh Template Command


The flag can be set to all or selected.
If you set the flag to all, the entity output commands (such as *nodes()) scan all entities in the database, even if you select displayed on the Exportパネル or Summaryパネル.
If you set the flag to selected, and you select displayed on the Exportパネル or Summaryパネル, the entity output commands scan the database for the displayed commands only.


When writing export and summary templates, it may be necessary to scan the entire database before processing the displayed entities. To do this, use *enabledatabase(all). To scan the database for only the entities that you selected (this can be all or displayed), use *enabledatabase(selected). *enabledatabase() should be used outside of any other command blocks and can be used more than once.