
Starts an element block.


*elements (config, type, user_name, prop_card_image_name,?idpool_name?)


HyperMesh Template Command


Starts an element block. Elements matching the specified config and type are considered for the block.

This command must be accompanied by an *output() command at the end of the block.


Defines the element config that should be used for this block. If specified as 0, elements of all configs are considered for the block.
Defines the element type that should be used for this block. If specified as 0, all elements of the specified config are considered for the block.
A 32-character string enclosed in double quotes that defines the name of the element config/type combination.
A 32-character string enclosed in double quotes that defines the カードイメージ name of the property that the elements in the block require. If not needed, use empty double quotes "".
The name is also used to link to the *components() and *properties() commands.
An optional 32-character string enclosed in double quotes that defines the name of the ID pool that the elements belong to. If not needed, use double quotes "" or omit the argument.
The ID pool must be defined using the *defineidpool() command.


To write out all quad4 elements with the format:

*quad4(id,type,node 1 ID,node 2 ID,node 3 ID,node 4 ID,property ID)

*if([propertyidflag == 1])