Publish Data to SDM

You can publish files, meshes, solver files, and so on, from HyperMesh directly into SDM.

The process to publish data to SDM is very similar to the retrieval process. The Manage dialog is analogous to the Explore dialog, and it is found on any HyperWorks Save or Export dialog. To publish a solver file to SDM follow the steps below. In this example a Nastran file is used.

  1. Open the Export Solver Deck panel.
  2. Pre-select desired Export options.
    The solver file is exported automatically during the process using the selected export options.
  3. Open the Select File dialog.
  4. Enter the file name.
  5. Open the Manage dialog.
  6. Select the desired SDM repository, or add a new one.
  7. Click Login.
    Available Simulation Disciplines are retrieved and display.
  8. Browse the data by expanding the tree to the desired object or select the Type of object to search for.
  9. Enter text to search on in the Query field and select which attribute to search from the By list.
  10. Click Simple query.
    Items matching the query criteria are returned.
  11. Select the object, in this case CAE Module, to attach the uploaded file to.
  12. Select the Store as option.
    New file to CAE Module adds the uploaded file to the selected CAE Module. New file to revised CAE Module creates a new revision of the selected CAE Module and attaches the uploaded file to the newly revised CAE Module.
  13. オプション: Enter a Comment.
  14. Click Upload.
    If the upload is successful, a dialog opens saying that the file was uploaded successfully, and you will see the new file associated with the chosen item revision.
  15. To publish a HyperMesh file to SDM, follow the same steps as above, only use the Manage button on the Save As dialog.