

  • Subsystemブラウザで右クリックし、コンテキストメニューからCreate > Subsytemを選択します。
  • 他のブラウザからの選択をSubsystemブラウザの空白領域にドラッグ&ドロップします(モデルブラウザ、エンティティ用ビュー、パートブラウザ参照ブラウザ はすべてサポートされています)。

図 1.

Subsystems and Includes

There are special rules when working with subsystems related to includes. When creating a subsystem, it will also create an include, and all entities moved into a subsystem will be moved to the include. The subsystem owns one or multiple includes.

Subsystems support an include hierarchy. If you drag the parent include to a subsystem, all nested includes will be moved and the subsystem will own all the include structure.

Subsystems can easily be created from an existing include structure. If you drag and drop multiple includes into the Subsystemブラウザ white space, you will have the option to create one subsystem per include, quickly converting an include structure into a subsystem one. If you drag includes into an existing subsystem, the includes will be added into that subsystem.