HWD-0093: Create Predefined Report

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create, execute, and export predefined report using the Report ribbon options - Session Report and Model Summary Report.

The files used in this tutorial are located here:


Before you begin, please make sure that you are using HyperWorks Desktop 2019.1.2 or above.

Create Session Report and Model Summary Report

  1. Copy Report_Tutorial_Session.mvw from the publish_reports folder to your working directory.
  2. Start HyperWorks Desktop.
  3. From the menu bar, select Report.
  4. From the menu bar, select File > Session > Open.
    The Open Session File dialog opens.
  5. Browse and select the Report_Tutorial_Session.mvw file.
    The file opens in the graphics window.
  6. From File menu, click Preferences.
  7. Select Report from Common section.
    Figure 1.
  8. Edit the Default Report Type and Master Document preferences.
  9. From the Predefined group, click .
    Figure 2.
  10. Select the type of the report : Presentation, HTML or Document.
  11. Click Export
    The Session Report is saved in the given directory.
  12. From the Predefined group ribbon, click Model Summary.
    Figure 3.
  13. Select the Model Description details as applicable.
    Figure 4.
  14. Optional: Click Interactive for interactive report generation.
    Figure 5.
    Note: The report tree should be active for Interactive Report generation.
  15. Click Export.
    The Model Summary report is saved in the given directory.