A surface represents the geometry associated with a physical part. A surface is a two-dimensional geometric entity that
may be used in automatic mesh generation.
Solids are closed volume of surfaces that can take any shape. Solids are three-dimensional entities that can be used in
automatic tetra and solid meshing.
A face is a single Non-uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) and is the smallest area entity. It has a separate underlying
mathematical definition, specified when it was created.
Rapidly change the shape of the FE mesh without severely sacrificing the mesh quality and create, edit, and apply
shapes for subsequent design optimization studies.
The Design Space environment is dedicated to topology optimization model build and setup. It facilitates rapid model creation by generating
the voxel design space for a number of different use cases.
Many essential utility tools using HyperWorks-Tcl have been developed over the years to support Aerospace customers. A few tools have been collected and upgraded to
be compatible with this release.
Solids are closed volume of surfaces that can take any shape. Solids are three-dimensional entities that can be used in
automatic tetra and solid meshing.
Solids are closed volume of surfaces that can take any shape. Solids are
three-dimensional entities that can be used in automatic tetra and solid meshing.
The surfaces defining a solid can belong to multiple component collectors. The display of a
solid and its bounding surfaces are controlled only by the component collector to which the
solid belongs.
Bounding Surface
A bounding surface defines the outer boundary of a single solid.
Bounding surfaces are shaded green by default.
A bounding surface is unique and is not shared with any other solid. A single solid
volume is defined entirely by bounding surfaces.
Fin Surface
A fin surface has the same solid on all sides, that is, it acts as a fin inside of a
single solid.
Fin surfaces are shaded red by default.
A fin surface can be created when manually merging solids or when creating solids
with internal fin surfaces.
Full Partition Surface
A full partition surface defines a shared boundary between one or more solids.
Full partition surfaces are shaded yellow by default.
A full partition surface can be created when splitting a solid or when using Boolean
operations to join multiple solids at shared or intersecting locations.
Figure 1.
Create Bounding Solids
Use the Solids: Bounding tool to create solids from enclosed surface volumes.
Create Spheres
Use the Solids: Sphere tool to create spheres with solid or bounding surfaces.
Create Boxes
Use the Solids: Box tool to create boxes with solid or bounding surfaces.
Create Cylinders
Use the Solids: Cylinder tool to create cylinders with solid or bounding surfaces.