Rapidly change the shape of the FE mesh without severely sacrificing the mesh quality and create, edit, and apply
shapes for subsequent design optimization studies.
Export an input deck, for the appropriate solver, in order to simulate the deformation of the seat under the dummy.
The simulation result files can be imported to update the initial FE model and remove the intersections and penetrations
between the dummy and the seat.
The Pedestrian Impact tool automates the vehicle marking, impactors positioning and the export of solver decks with minimal
input, therefore reducing the full process lead time.
The Design Space environment is dedicated to topology optimization model build and setup. It facilitates rapid model creation by generating
the voxel design space for a number of different use cases.
Many essential utility tools using HyperWorks-Tcl have been developed over the years to support Aerospace customers. A few tools have been collected and upgraded to
be compatible with this release.
Use the Barrier Positioner tool to automatically get the impact barrier into
position, based on the selected crash regulation.
The barrier model must be defined in an
include file.
The solver transformation cards are automatically created to move the barrier at the
position corresponding to the selected protocol.
The Barrier Positioner tool supports the regulations C-NCAP, Euro-NCAP, FMVSS, IIHS,
J-NCAP and UN-R for frontal, side and rear load cases.
Restriction: Only available in the LS-DYNA and
Radioss solvers.
Figure 1.
From the Safety ribbon, click the Barrier
Positioner tool.
Figure 2.
On the guide bar, click to open the hamburger menu to
select the regulation, load case and barrier position options.
Load Case: Select Front,
Side or Rear.
Regulation: Select the regulation for the
selected load case.
Barrier Front Foam Distance: The search distance,
from the barrier frontal face, used to automatically identify the barrier
foam blocks.
Vehicle Front Axis: The orientation of the
Barrier Front Axis: The initial orientation of
the barrier.
Overlap (in % age): The lateral overlap between
barrier and vehicle for frontal and rear impacts.
Lateral angle: The rotation angle of the barrier
for frontal OMDB.
IRD/R-Point offset distance: The IRD or offset
distance to use for the positioning for side impacts. When the value is
equal to 0.0, the IRD or offset distance is automatically computed as per
the regulation.
Barrier Height From Ground: The height of the
barrier frontal zone above the ground, as per the regulation.
Vehicle To Barrier Distance: The offset between
the vehicle and the barrier.
Select the barrier components.
It is recommended to use the advanced selections ()
and filter “by include” and directly select the barrier include file.
the barrier components are selected, all of the other displaced components
are automatically selected as vehicle components.
Once vehicle
components are identified, a microdialog
Select the relevant inputs needed for the selected regulation in the microdialog.
For example, for Euro-NCAP Side Impact, the following microdialog opens, where selections for Base Node and
Inclination Node define the ground position, and RPoint is provided. Figure 3.
Click Position.
The transformations to be applied on the barrier component are
calculated. The positioning process ends with the creation of the
transformations and position entity, as well as the update of the barrier
include file to an INCLUDE_TRANSFORM or SUBMODEL, respectively, for LS-DYNA and Radioss