
Combine several strings to specify the names of one or more requests.


mangle "string"


read mangle "string" variable


The effects of mangling varies according to how it is invoked.

If it is invoked globally, using the first syntax, it affects the long names of all requests. The contents of string are copied into the long name of each request, but only after a search and replace operation is performed on the string.

The tokens "%long" and "%short" -- if they are found in string--are replaced by the previous long and short names of the request.

If mangling is invoked in a read (or readln) command, the contents of string are copied to variable, but only after it has searched for "%read", which is replaced with the word, number, or line which was read from the data file.


mangle "Request #%long"
    requests "1/2/3/4/5/6/7"  // set longnames to { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7" }

// Results in the requests actually being called "Request #1", "Request #2", etc.
// You could also use
do numrequests
      readln mangle "Request #%read" longname
// which would read a list of numbers and prefix each by "Request #"