Seam Realization

Overview of the seam connector realization process and methods.

Seam Realization Process

Overview of the seam realization process.

  1. Select the realization type.
    mesh independent
    Use for realizations which do not need a node connection and the connection is primarily defined via a solver-specific card, such as LLINKs for PAM-CRASH.
    mesh dependent
    Use for all other cases.
  2. If mesh dependent is selected, you must decide whether or not to adjust the mesh or the realization.
    Adjust mesh
    Projection is done in a perpendicular way, and the mesh has to be adapted to the projection points.
    Adjust realization
    The mesh will not be modified, at the expense of non-normal or incomplete realizations. Many realization types are defined with head elements attached to body elements. In the case of these realization types, the head elements realize the connection without modifying the mesh, and the body elements are created in a normal direction.
  3. Choose how the adjustments should take place.
    Adjust mesh
    Sub-options include: quad transition and remesh.
    Adjust realizations
    Sub-options include: find nearest nodes, project and find nodes, and ensure projection.
  4. Choose whether or not the imprint should be skipped for quad transition.

Figure 1. Seam Realization Process

Seam Realization Methods

Overview of the different options for seam realization methods.

Mesh Independent

The mesh independent option is normally used for solver-specific realization types, then a post script is performed during realization to define the solver specific connection. For example, for the PAM-CRASH LLINK all necessary solver specific cards are created along with the realization.

Figure 2. Mesh Independent

Mesh Dependent – Adjust Mesh – Quad Transition - Imprint

Quad Transition
The quad transition option creates perfectly shaped quad elements around the projection line. The quad size is determined by the average mesh size. From one projection point to the next, exactly one pair of elements is created. You can also use this option to create seams from quad elements, and realize the connections to the links through perfectly modeled t-edges.
In certain limits, the mesh automatically snaps to important features. This prevents the creation of elements that are too small, and ensures that the geometry is not modified too much.
The considered feature angle can be defined individually for each connector. Feature edges below 10.0° will not be taken into account, whereas features above 25.0° and free edges will always be taken into account.
By default, snapping is allowed by a distance of one third of the quad pattern element size. In the case of a predefined quad pattern element size of 10.0, the outer nodes can snap to features in a distance of 3.3. The algorithm also tries to snap all three nodes of a quad pattern or none.
When creating mesh-dependent realizations with quad transitions, the quad transition meshes can overlap and disturb each other if more than one set of connectors is created too close to each other. The imprint option reconciles such transitions with each other and modifies the underlying mesh to match the results to create a final result that is seamless and properly meshed.
To allow smaller imprint conflicts to be automatically resolved when connectors are realized, the resolve conflicting imprints checkbox is enabled by default. Overlapping elements are released, and a normal remesh of that area is performed as long as the overlapping area is smaller than half the regular quad transition element size. Larger conflicts may require a manual imprint.
The size of the imprint can be determined using the pitch size (use pitch size to imprint) or using the average size of the underlying mesh (use avg. mesh size to imprint). If you want to define a specific imprint size, select size to imprint.

Figure 3. Imprint

Mesh Dependent – Adjust Mesh – Quad Transition – Skip Imprint

Quad Transition
The quad transition option creates perfectly shaped quad elements around the projection line. The quad size is determined by the average mesh size. From one projection point to the next, exactly one pair of elements is created. You can also use this option to create seams from quad elements, and realize the connections to the links through perfectly modeled t-edges.
In certain limits, the mesh automatically snaps to important features to prevent the creation of elements that are too small, and to ensure that the geometry is not modified too much.
The considered feature angle can be defined individually for each connector. Feature edges below 10.0° are not taken into account, whereas features above 25.0° and free edges are always taken into account.
By default, snapping is allowed by a distance of one third of the quad pattern element size. In the case of a predefined quad pattern element size of 10.0, the outer nodes can snap to features in a distance of 3.3. The algorithm also tries to snap all three nodes of a quad pattern or none.
Skip Imprint
The skip imprint option prevents the last step of quad transition from being performed. The component ^conn_imprint is created instead, which contains the element pattern. These elements can be modified and manually imprinted later using the Connector Imprint panel.
Skip imprint enables you to realize such mesh-dependent realizations, even in very complex areas of the model where the automatic imprint fails because of issues such as conflicting seams.
The size of the imprint can be determined using the pitch size (use pitch size to imprint) or using the average size of the underlying mesh (use avg. mesh size to imprint). If you want to define a specific imprint size, select size to imprint.

Figure 4. Skip Imprint

Mesh Dependent – Adjust Mesh – Remesh

The remesh option uses snap and split capabilities to connect 1D welds to the links in the position of the projection points. In the case of a quad realization, remesh looks for a correct t-edge.

Figure 5. Remesh

Mesh Dependent – Adjust Realization – Find Nearest Nodes

The find nearest node option searches for the nearest nodes within the given tolerance, making it possible to connect t-joints and similar areas. This option is very useful in situations where the connectors are not positioned perfectly. These realizations are allowed to be non-normal. Find nearest nodes does not do any projection.
Note: If the connector points are close to each other and two of these points find the same closest nodes the connector fails.

Figure 6. Find Nearest Nodes

Mesh Dependent – Adjust Realization – Project and Find Nodes

The project and find nodes option produces the same exact result as find nearest node because a non-normal projection for seams is always allowed. Principally, project and find nodes requires a valid projection onto the link entities in the first step. In the second step, the nodes closest to the projection points will be used for the connection. If the projection (connector tolerance) is not possible, the realization fails.
Note: The realization fails when the connector points are close to each other, and two of these points find the same nodes.

Figure 7. Project and Find Nodes

Mesh Dependent – Adjust Realization – Ensure Projection

When using the ensure projection option, the minimum condition for the realization is a possible normal projection. The realization will be performed in the direction from one projection point to the next. If the projection point is coincident with a shell node they will be equivalenced.

Ensure projection can lead to incompletely defined connections from a solver perspective unless the connector positions are not aligned to the mesh. The advantage of this projection method is the exact determination of the projection points.

The ensure projection option is comparable to the older use shell node option, which is no longer available.

Figure 8. Ensure Projection