
To modify or delete a boundary condition

To modify or delete a boundary condition

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To modify or delete a boundary condition

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1.From the Menu Bar, select Loadcase > Boundary Condition > Modify.
2.Select boundary conditions using one of the following methods:




select all the boundary conditions.


pick boundary conditions in list.  When finished, answer the question in the Dialog menu bar with Yes or Cancel.


select boundary conditions by box (use the SHIFT key to use a polygon box).


pick parts in the graphic window to select all the boundary conditions applied to those parts. When finished, answer the question in the Dialog menu bar with Yes or Cancel.


select parts by box (use the SHIFT key to use a polygon box) to select all boundary conditions applied to those parts.


Click the imposed displacement line in the listing window to select it. Several boundary conditions of this list can be selected using the SHIFT, CTRL, or SHIFT+CTRL keys.

3.Select only one boundary condition and click reviewGeneral-24 for the option to do any of the following:
Change the boundary condition name.
Select or deselect nodes or parts (see Node and part selection).
Modify the skew frame (see Reference axis).
Modify the boundary condition direction (see Direction setting).
4.Click deleteGeneral-24 to delete the selected boundary conditions.
5.Click Save to save the modified boundary condition; or

Click Cancel to cancel the boundary condition modification.

6.Click Close to close the menu.


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Boundary Condition