PAM-CRASH 2G Interface 2021 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

New PAM-CRASH 2G Solver Interface
Added new PAM-CRASH 2G 2020 solver interface along with related major keyword updates.
New Keywords
New keyword Material Type 307 - COS3D (Link Material).
Parameter Editor New GUI
Introduced new Python interpreter GUI. Right-click edit on Expression value in entity editor to launch the new parameter editor. This new GUI allows you to create, edit, and evaluate multiple lines of python commands parameter expressions.
ID Parameterization
PYVAR and PYFUNC have been extended to the parameterization of ID references in other keywords. PAM-CRASH keywords SENSOR, FUNCT, FRAME, RUPMO, CDATA, CHEM, CNTPTY, DMPEW, FRICT, LAYER, NLAVE, OPTLIS have been added whose ID references in other keywords make it possible to parametrize.


Updated Keywords
BAGIN (FPM Vent Model, FPM_GASDYN, FPM Controls), CKCTRL, CNTAC (Contact NTYPE 36, 37, 43, 46, 54, 154), DELEM, ECTRL, ICTRL, LCTRL, MATER (Material Type 1, 101, 103, 151, 201), OCTRL, PART (ATYPE = BEAM), PRCTRL, RUNEND, SENSOR (ITYP = 7), TIED, TITLE, TRSFM (IDTRSFM).
The following improvements are added to the python parameter keywords:
  • TITLE option added which avoids conflict with parameter name when assigned.
  • Long parameter name support and no restriction of 8 character length.
  • New checkbox 'Remove '+' suffix from free format fields Parameterization' in Export GUI.
  • Maintain Child parameter variables references to avoid unused entities, retained after Model Checker correction.
  • Reader enhancements enable robustness of parameters.

Altair HyperView

New Features

FEMZIP v11.00 DSY Reader
PAM-CRASH DSY Femzip reader library upgraded to version v11.00.
Export Solver Deck
HyperView supports the export of a deformed structure or mesh into the PAM-CRASH format. This can be accessed from File > Export > Solver Deck or you can use the Export Solver Deck icon.


Reader Enhancements
Summary Supported Format
HDF5/ERF reader recognizes femzip files generated with shallow option erf.fz
Input model reader enhanced to import files having Includes and transformations .pc, .inc, .dat
Input model reader enhanced to import and display of 1D (MTOJNT, MTOCO) entities .pc, .inc, .dat
RBODY contour and legend to show correct status for DSY result files DSY
PLINK config correction for degenerated segment into component and account results for all layers from DSY result files DSY
PLINK Contact Energy correction for DSY result files DSY

Altair HyperGraph

New Features

FEMZIP v11.00 DSY Reader
PAM-CRASH DSY FEMZIP reader library upgraded to version v11.00.


Reader enhancements
Summary Supported Format
HDF5/ERF reader recognizes FEMZIP files generated with shallow option. erf.fz
Disabled error message while reading externally converted ERF result files. ERFH5 and erf.fz