Creating a Planar Multilayer Substrate
Create a planar multilayer substrate by searching and navigating the documentation.
Search for ground in the integrated help.
The results returned in response to the ground query includes GroundPlane (object).
- Double-click GroundPlane (object).
View the GroundPlane (object).
Since there can only be a single ground plane in a CADFEKO model, the GroundPlane (object) does not reside in a collection.
The absence of a Parent Collection List indicates that the ground plane can not be created using the :Add... method.
Navigate to the .DefinitionMethod property in the integrated
Figure 1. A snippet of the GroundPlane object which shows the .DefinitionMethod property.Note: The .DefinitionMethod property is set by the GroundPlaneDefinitionMethodEnum. -
Click the GroundPlaneDefinitionMethodEnum hyperlink.
Figure 2. A snippet of the GroundPlaneDefinitionMethodEnum.Note: You have the option to specify either Homogeneous, PEC, PMC, HalfspaceReflectionCoefficient, HalfspaceSommerfeld or MultiLayerSubstrate. For this example, we will use MultilayerSubstrate. -
Change to MultilayerSubstrate using the following
my_project.GroundPlane.DefinitionMethod = cf.Enums.GroundPlaneDefinitionMethodEnum.MultilayerSubstrate
Note: This is similar to creating a planar multilayer substrate in CADFEKO GUI with default properties. One layer is created by default with the top and bottom layers consisting of free space and extending into infinity.
Attention: The first layer is indexed as one in the automation which differs from the CADFEKO graphical user interface.
We want to add a layer to the multilayer substrate. The layer will form part of a collection of layers for the GroundPlane (object).
- Return to the GroundPlane object in the integrated help.
Click the Planar SubstrateCollection hyperlink for more
information on how to add a layer.
Figure 3. A snippet of the GroundPlane object which shows the Collection list. -
View the :Add and :Modify methods in the
Method list.
Figure 4. A snippet of the PlanarSubstrateCollection which shows the Method list. -
Click :Add(index, ground, thickness, medium) hyperlink to
navigate to a short description for each parameter.
Figure 5. A snippet of the :Add method. -
Add a layer at index 2 (between the top and bottom layers) using the following
my_project.GroundPlane.Layers:Add(2, "None", "0.351", myDiel2)
Note: This is similar to creating a planar multilayer substrate in CADFEKO GUI with the following properties:
Modify the third layer using the following syntax:
my_project.GroundPlane.Layers:Modify(3, "PEC", "0.2", my_diel)
Note: This is similar to creating a planar multilayer substrate in CADFEKO GUI with the following properties: