
Function List

Default constructor
Sets an antenna array.
Sets antenna array element
Sets propagation input for the specified transmitting antenna. In case an array of type WINPROP_MS_ARRAY_INDIVIDUAL has been specified, a propagation result per array element is required. This method switches the computation mode to area wide computation, any other input propagation is removed.
Sets propagation input for the specified transmitting antenna. In case an array of type WINPROP_MS_ARRAY_INDIVIDUAL has been specified, a propagation result per array element is required. This method switches the computation mode to the computation of arbitrary planes, any other input propagation is removed.
Sets propagation input for the specified transmitting antenna. In case an array of type WINPROP_MS_ARRAY_INDIVIDUAL has been specified, a propagation result per array element is required. This method switches the computation mode to the computation of individual points, any other input propagation is removed.
Sets propagation input for the specified transmitting antenna. In case an array of type WINPROP_MS_ARRAY_INDIVIDUAL has been specified, a propagation result per array element is required. This method switches the computation mode to the computation of trajectories, any other input propagation is removed.
Computes the superposition using the specified arrays and elements, based on the set propagation inputs.
Gets the results of an area wide computation.
Gets the results of a computation on arbitrary planes.
Gets the results of a point based computation.

Function Details



Default constructor


Returns None





Returns None

int setArray(bool Rx, WINPROP_MS_ARRAY_TYPE arrayType, int nrElements, float azimuth, float spacing, float radius, bool considerAntennaCoupling)


Sets an antenna array.


bool Rx
True to receiver array, false for transmitter array.
Type of the array.
int nrElements
The number of array elements.
float azimuth
The array azimuth in degree (values between [0, 360]).
float spacing
The array spacing in horizontal plane (k*Lambda), only relevant in case of arrayType set to WINPROP_MS_ARRAY_LINEAR.
float radius
The array radius of circular array in meter, only relevant in case of arrayType set to WINPROP_MS_ARRAY_CIRCULAR.
bool considerAntennaCoupling
True to consider antenna coupling.

Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.

int setArrayElement(bool Rx, int index, const WinProp_Pattern * pattern, const WinProp_Pattern * patternPolHoriz, float azimuth, float tilt, WINPROP_MS_POLARIZATION_TYPE polarization, const COORDPOINT & offset)


Sets antenna array element


bool Rx
True to receiver element, false for transmitter element.
int index
Zero-based index of the element to set.
const WinProp_Pattern * pattern
Specifies the antenna pattern of the element.
const WinProp_Pattern * patternPolHoriz
Specifies the antenna pattern for horizontal polarization, needed for full polarimetric computations.
float azimuth
The element azimuth in degree (values between [0, 360], with east=0deg over north=90deg orientation).
float tilt
The element tilt in degree (values between [0, 180], a value of 90deg is equal to horizontal).
The polarization of the antenna, in case patternPolHoriz is set to nullptr.
const COORDPOINT & offset
The offset of an individual receiving antenna element, only relevant for array of type WINPROP_MS_ARRAY_INDIVIDUAL.

Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.

int setPropagationArea(int trxIndex, const WinProp_Antenna & antenna, const WinProp_RayMatrix & rayMatrix)


Sets propagation input for the specified transmitting antenna. In case an array of type WINPROP_MS_ARRAY_INDIVIDUAL has been specified, a propagation result per array element is required. This method switches the computation mode to area wide computation, any other input propagation is removed.


int trxIndex
Zero-based index of the transmitting element.
const WinProp_Antenna & antenna
The antenna.
const WinProp_RayMatrix & rayMatrix
The ray matrix.

Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.

int setPropagationPlane(int trxIndex, const WinProp_Antenna & antenna, const WinProp_RayMatrix * rayMatrices, int nrPlanes)


Sets propagation input for the specified transmitting antenna. In case an array of type WINPROP_MS_ARRAY_INDIVIDUAL has been specified, a propagation result per array element is required. This method switches the computation mode to the computation of arbitrary planes, any other input propagation is removed.


int trxIndex
Zero-based index of the transmitting element.
const WinProp_Antenna & antenna
The antenna.
const WinProp_RayMatrix * rayMatrices
The ray matrices, array of size nrPlanes.
int nrPlanes
The number of planes.

Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.

int setPropagationPoints(int trxIndex, const WinProp_Antenna & antenna, const WinProp_ResultPointsList & resPoints)


Sets propagation input for the specified transmitting antenna. In case an array of type WINPROP_MS_ARRAY_INDIVIDUAL has been specified, a propagation result per array element is required. This method switches the computation mode to the computation of individual points, any other input propagation is removed.


int trxIndex
Zero-based index of the transmitting element.
const WinProp_Antenna & antenna
The antenna.
const WinProp_ResultPointsList & resPoints
The point results.

Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.

int setPropagationTrajectories(int trxIndex, const WinProp_Antenna & antenna, const WinProp_Trajectory * trajectories, const int nrTrajectories, const WinProp_ResultTrajectoryList & resultTrajectories)


Sets propagation input for the specified transmitting antenna. In case an array of type WINPROP_MS_ARRAY_INDIVIDUAL has been specified, a propagation result per array element is required. This method switches the computation mode to the computation of trajectories, any other input propagation is removed.


int trxIndex
Zero-based index of the transmitting element.
const WinProp_Antenna & antenna
The antenna.
const WinProp_Trajectory * trajectories
The trajectories, an array of size nrTrajectories.
const int nrTrajectories
The number of trajectories.
const WinProp_ResultTrajectoryList & resultTrajectories
The trajectory results, needs to be of same size as trajectories.

Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.

int compute(const WinProp_MS_Para & msPara, const WinProp_MS_AdditionalResults * msAdditionalResult, const WinProp_Callback * callbacks)


Computes the superposition using the specified arrays and elements, based on the set propagation inputs.


const WinProp_MS_Para & msPara
The parameters of the computation.
const WinProp_MS_AdditionalResults * msAdditionalResult
Optionally, specifies which additional results shall be written to files during the computation.
const WinProp_Callback * callbacks
If non-null, the callbacks to be used.

Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.

int getResultArea(int resultType, WinProp_Result * result, WinProp_RayMatrix * rayMatrix)


Gets the results of an area wide computation.


int resultType
Type of the result.
WinProp_Result * result
If non-null, the result.
WinProp_RayMatrix * rayMatrix
If non-null, the ray matrix.

Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.

int getResultPlane(int resultType, WinProp_ResultPlane * result, WinProp_RayMatrix * rayMatrix)


Gets the results of a computation on arbitrary planes.


int resultType
Type of the result.
WinProp_ResultPlane * result
If non-null, the result.
WinProp_RayMatrix * rayMatrix
If non-null, the ray matrix.

Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.

int getResultPoints(int resultType, WinProp_ResultPointsList * result)


Gets the results of a point based computation.


int resultType
Type of the result.
WinProp_ResultPointsList * result
Non-null, the result.

Returns An integer: 0 = success, failure otherwise.

The documentation was generated from the following file:
  • source.eng/SuperposeMS/winprop_superposems.hpp