Altair® Panopticon


Pareto Chart Settings

These are divided into four tabs:

  • General


  1. Setting


    Bar Width Ratio

    Defines the ratio between Bars and space between the bars.

    Show Borders Around Bars

    Specifies whether borders are drawn around bars or stacks within bars.

    Show Labels in Bars

    Specifies whether labels are drawn inside the bars.

    Show Values in Bars

    Specifies whether values are displayed in bars.

    Dot Axis Alignment

    Determines whether the dot axis is aligned to the Right or Left.

    Dot Radius

    Specifies the radius of each data point in pixels.

    Show Borders Around Dots

    Specifies whether a border is drawn around each dot.

    Show Lines Between Dots

    Specifies whether a line is drawn between the dots category constituents. Allows a categorical line graph to be displayed.

    Line Width

    Specifies the width in pixels of the line if enabled.


  • Axes

Refer to Cross Tab Axes and Visualizations Axes for more information.


  • Synchronization


  • Filters

Refer to Visualization Static Filter for more information.