Double (hwx.inspire.core)

Store float value with units.

Units can be None, length, mass, force, …

Values are get/set in base units unless under inspire.usingUnits(…).

A value’s units can be specified using a string like: “5 mm”.

Public Methods

castForGet (self, obj, value)
castForSet (self, obj, value)
create (self, obj)
getGuiValue (self, obj, format=’%g’)
getInCoreValue (self, obj)
getUnits (self, obj)
getValue (self, obj)
setInCoreValue (self, obj, value)
setValue (self, obj, value)

Method Details

castForGet(self, obj, value)

Converts and returns the double value to gui units.

castForSet(self, obj, value)

Converts and validates the double value before setting.

param obj:Object this attribute belongs to.
type obj:GeneralObject
param value:Value of the attribute to set.
type value:str, double
returns:Validated and converted value.
create(self, obj)

Creates a double attribute for the specified object.

getGuiValue(self, obj, format='%g')

Returns the formatted double value, as shown in the Property Editor.

getInCoreValue(self, obj)

Calls the incore get method (defined in C++) of the attribute.

param obj:Object this attribute belongs to.
type obj:GeneralObject
param value:Value of the attribute to get.
type value:double
returns:Value returned by the incore get method.
getUnits(self, obj)

Returns the units of the attribute.

getValue(self, obj)

Returns the double value for the specified object.

setInCoreValue(self, obj, value)

Calls the incore set method (defined in C++) of the attribute.

param obj:Object this attribute belongs to.
type obj:GeneralObject
param value:Value of the attribute to set.
type value:double
setValue(self, obj, value)

Sets the double value for the specified object.