General Advice

Read the manual in full and pay special attention to the information that is marked with note or emphasized in bold font.

nanoFluidX has made significant progress in the area of warning, notification and error reporting. Take advantage of this additional output.

Pay close attention to the .log files, as they can often contain critical warning information.

It is highly recommended that you monitor the progress of the simulation closely. Check your results during the simulation. In cases where the simulation takes multiple days check the results at least once a day using ParaView and make use of the available “info files.”

When using single phase simulations, for example, DESIGN mode, make sure that using transport velocity is set to false and, if using the Riemann solver, APD coefficient is set to zero.

Be aware that cases where high pressurization can occur, for example, pumps, compressors and hydraulic simulations, are not ideally suited for weakly compressible SPH method. While theoretically possible to do, build up of high pressure areas can lead to extreme forcing (via pressure gradient) that time step by default does not account for. This commonly leads to CFL violations and causes simulation instabilities. The only way around this is to set the time step through trial and error, often resulting in computationally expensive simulation.

When running into run-time issues, use the script that is provided with the binary.