nanoFluidX Monitor - nFX[m]

nFX[m] is a single file portable Python executable that is aimed for helping with monitoring a nanoFluidX simulation during runtime.

nFX[m] reads phaseinfo and probe files, can isolate requested columns and perform time averaging interactively and non-interactively. nFX[m] can do these operations in single command or guided mode and print the results to command line or plot to a figure, subject to availability of a display server.

Running nFX[m] in interactive mode for long periods of time (days) would result in creation of large number of temporary files in home or tmp directories. Closing nFX[m] removes the temporary files.

Before reading the examples found in , please note the following:
  • The following examples of how to use nFX[m] assume a display server is available. If not, -x and -X options are passed by default.
  • The plots and text outputs are always against time.
  • On the figure, home button scales the axes to full data range.
  • Time option is ignored in interactive mode.
  • In interactive mode showing text output, average is computed from start to current time and updated with simulation at every header print.
  • In non-interactive mode showing text output, average is only shown at the end of the text.
  • To stop, press Ctrl > c, close the figure or kill the process.
  • The examples below show the use of nFX[m] when the file name to process is known (single step).
  • To use the guided method, you must at least specify the -b option (default folder is PHASEINFO). You may specify any other option but must omit one or both of -n or -c.
    • Omit both -n and -c: In this case, nFX[m] will show the contents of the PHASEINFO or PROBE folder and allow you to choose a file. Then it will present the other selectable options. You may override any option you have specified on the command line when launching nFX[m].
    • Omit -n but include -c: In this case, nFX[m] will show the contents of the PHASEINFO or PROBE folder and allow you to choose a file. Then it will proceed with the execution according to the options provided on the command line when launching nFX[m].
    • Omit -c but include -n: In this case, nFX[m] will choose the file according to the given file name. Then it will present the other selectable options. You may override any option you have specified on the command line when launching nFX[m].
  • The pipe to file functionality is not compatible with interactive mode.
  • In all the examples below you may replace (-b,-P/-p,-n) options with -f option to directly specify the path to your file.
  • The file names (-n or -f) do not need to be complete and will be expanded to the first hit.
  • The executable may take a few seconds to launch, depending on the system.
  • For help on the options: nFX[m] -h