Geometry Import

AcuConsole accepts different geometry file formats such as Parasolid, Pro-E part file, Pro-E assembly file, CATIA part file and CATIA assembly file STL.

To import a geometry file, click File > Import. After you select a file to open the Import Geometry dialog opens.
Geometry Size in X/Y/Z
The first three rows in the dialog provide the size of the geometry in X, Y and Z directions.
Geometry Units
AcuConsole also provides the option of scaling the geometry being loaded. You can specify the scale factor in the box next to geometry units. By default a value of one is provided which means the geometry is loaded without scaling and AcuConsole considers all the dimensions to be SI units.
Geometry Resolution [Low-High]
A slider next to Geometry resolution [Low-High] is used for setting the resolution of geometry being imported. Geometry will be imported with low resolution if the slider is to the extreme left and high resolution if slider is to the extreme right. If a simple geometry is being loaded then setting this option to Low speeds up the importing process. If the geometry has a complicated topology with minute sharp edges and so on, then it is best to set to high resolution so as to preserve the exact topology of the geometry.
Volume Group Option and Surface Group Option
You are provided with different options for grouping the volumes and surfaces.
The first criterion is All in default. In this criteria all of the geometric regions are placed into one volume group called default and all of the geometric faces into one surface group called default. This option can be used when the geometry is simple, that is, with less number of faces. If the geometry is complex with many parts and too many faces associated with each part, then other options are preferred. If the assembly has more than one part, then using By part name will separate each part and place the volumes and surfaces appropriately. This option is helpful if a geometry has an interface, or you need to grow boundary layers on one side of the interface. If the geometry has one part and multiple volumes then the By volume regions option is used. This option provides a tag or ID number for each volume or surface. By volume region option for surfaces works in the similar way to By part names. For geometries generated using packages like Pro-E, you can apply parameter attributes for volumes and surfaces. If both the Volume Group Option and Surface Group Option are set to By attributes two new options, Volume attribute string and surface attribute string will be displaced in the Import Geometry dialog.
With the By attributes for Surface Group option, another option of Separate internal faces is available.
Read Edge Data
You can choose to import edge data with the geometry. On for this option imports the edge data.
Edge Group Option
This parameter is available only when Read edge data is On. It provides two options of All in Default and By attributes with functioning similar to that of Volume/Surface Group Option.
Full Geometry Check and Verbose Level
By putting the full geometry check option to On the geometry will be checked. Any errors found will be displayed in the information window. Increasing the Verbose level provides more details of the import process.
Full Voids in the Geometry
If any part of the geometry has only surfaces and no material filled in, then turning this option to On fills the enclosed volume with material.
Suppress Small Features
This option should be used if features smaller than a particular value need to be suppressed in the geometry. Having Suppress small features On provides two more options. One is a small feature tolerance type and the other is the tolerance.
The two different types of tolerances available are absolute tolerance and relative tolerance. You need to select the required type and provide the tolerance value below which of the features will be suppressed.
Once all of the parameters are set in the Import Geometry dialog you can click OK to import the geometry.