
Add 2D color map legend to a specified location of scene graph.


cmapActor = vis.addCmapLegendActor( text = "Color Map Legend",
                                             textFont = "Times-Roman",
                                             minVal = 0,
                                             maxVal = 5,
                                             nVals = 3,
                                             valFont = "Times-Roman",
                                             xpos = 0.05,
                                             ypos = 0.15,
                                             xsize = 2,
                                             ysize = 10 )


text (string)
Color map text which is shown on top of the legend.
textFont (string)
Color map text font.
minVal (integer)
Color map minimum value.
maxVal (integer)
Color map maximum value.
nVals (integer)
Number of values in color map.
valFont (string)
Color map values font.
xpos (real)
Color map X position.
ypos (real)
Color map Y position.
xsize (integer)
Color map X size.
ysize (integer)
Color map Y size.

Return Value

cmapActor (object)
The color map legend actor.




This routine adds the 2D color map legend to a specified location of scene graph. For example,
cmap = vis.addCmapLegendActor( text = "Pressure",
                                       minVal = 0,
                                       maxVal = 4,
                                       nVals = 4,
                                       xpos = 0.08 )