Specifies the local subroutine file for an entity that uses user defined properties.
*SetLocalUserDLL(varname, "local_dll")
- varname
- The variable name of the entity that uses a local subroutine.
- local_dll
- The string that refers to a subroutine file name.
*Motion(mot_0, "Motion 0", JOINT, , TRANS)
*SetMotion(mot_0, USER, `USER(1001)`)
*SetLocalUserDLLFlag(mot_0, true)
*SetLocalUserDLL(mot_0, "mymotsub")
MotionView does not verify the availability of this file at the mentioned location.
While working with MotionSolve, if a file in the local installation has to be used, it is recommended to specify the file name without the path. This is especially useful when the solution is executed on a different machine.
It is recommended to avoid specifying a .dll or .so extension in *SetLocalUserDLL so that the solver deck is portable between different platforms.