
Query the values of global mesh parameters.


hm_getbatchparams param1 ?param2? ?param3? ... ?paramN?


HyperMesh Tcl Query Command


Query the values of global mesh parameters.


The name of the parameter to query. Valid values can be found in *batchparams_update.
There are also a few special considerations:
solid_holes_table = {row_id=<value}
row_id is the index of the row (record) to query inside the table. If not specified, the entire table is returned.
surface_fillets_table = {row_id=<value}
row_id is the index of the row (record) to query inside the table. If not specified, the entire table is returned.
surface_holes_table = {table_id=<value> shape=<value> row_id=<value>}
table_id is the index of the table to query. If set to ‘default’, the default surface hole table is used. For coordinates tables, the index starts with 0.
row_id is the index of the row (record) to query inside table_id. If not specified, the entire table with the specified table_id is returned.
shape is required for the default table.


To query the 2nd row of the first coordsfile table:
hm_getbatchparams surface_holes_table = {table_id=0 row_id=1}
To query the entire default 2d rectangle holes table:
hm_getbatchparams surface_holes_table = {table_id=default shape=rectangle}
To query the 1st row of 3d holes table:
hhm_getbatchparams solid_holes_table = {row_id=0}
To query the entire 3d holes table:
hm_getbatchparams solid_holes_table
To query the 2nd row of fillet table:
hm_getbatchparams surface_fillets_table = {row_id=1}
To query the entire fillet table:
hm_getbatchparams surface_fillets_table
To get the element size:
hm_getbatchparams element_size


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History


2021.1 - Updated the surface_holes_table options and the list of examples.