Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.
- a_DAMA
- The crack propagation velocity parameter.
- a_EMC
- The Hosford exponent.
- Parameter a if I_The flag is 0, or the failure strain in shear if I_The flag is 1.
- a_s
- The linear void nucleation slope.
- The brittle rupture material parameter A (exponent).
- activesuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set inactive, 0 otherwise.
- Alpha
- The hydrostatic pressure exponent.
- alpha
- When type is COHDISP and shape is EXP, this is the exponent for the traction-separation curve.
- Alpha_0
- The parameter for the initial yield function referring to the beginning of damage.
- Alpha_Exp_Avg_Filter
- The exponential moving average filter:
- Alpha_f
- The parameter for the final yield function referring to rupture.
- Alpha_N
- The scale factor in the normal direction.
- Alpha_T
- The scale factor in the tangential plane.
- AREA_scale
- The failure scale factor for the area increase.
- attributesmax
- The number of attributes owned by this entity.
- Parameter b if I_The flag is 0, or the failure strain in uniaxial-tension if I_The flag is 1.
- The brittle rupture material parameter B (exponent).
- b0
- The strain to fracture for uni-axial tension.
- Beta
- The shear scaling factor.
- Beta_0
- The exponent for initial yield function referring to the beginning of damage.
- Beta_f
- The exponent for final yield function referring to rupture.
- The Deviatoric coefficient.
- c
- The friction parameter for triaxiality.
- Parameter c if I_The flag is 0, or the failure strain in plain-strain-tension if I_The flag is 1.
- C_max
- The upper limit for stress or strain.
- C_min
- The lower limit for stress or strain that defines when the maximum value starts to be recorded.
- c0
- The Cockcroft-Latham failure criterion.
- The failure plastic strain at uniaxial compression.
- The 1st parameter.
- The failure plastic strain at shear.
- The 2nd parameter.
- The failure plastic strain at uniaxial tension.
- The 3rd parameter.
- The failure plastic strain at plain strain tension.
- The 4th parameter.
- The failure plastic strain at biaxial tension.
- cfrac
- The rate multiplier.
- Ch_i_f
- The flag for choice of instability or fracture regularization.
- cockcroft_c
- The exponent used with the element characteristic length to thickness ratio which influences the ductility in in-plane loading.
- color
- The 1-64 color of the entity.
- config
- The configuration of the entity.
- Cr_core
- The depth in between bottom and surface integration points.
- cri
- The damage initiation criteria.
- crisk
- The critical failure risk for damage initialization.
- D
- The damage accumulation parameter D.
- Parameter d if I_The flag is 0, or the instability strain if I_The flag is 1.
- D1
- The 1st parameter.
- D2
- The 2nd parameter.
- D3
- The 3rd parameter.
- D4
- The 4th parameter.
- D5
- The 5th parameter.
- Dadv
- The criterion for the crack advancement.
- Dcrit
- The critical accumulated damage value.
- definedentity
- True if the entity is defined, false otherwise.
- Df
- The critical damage.
- dinit
- The indicator value for the initial (prior to calculation) fraction damage.
- dmax
- The maximum post-fracture damage value.
- dpnck
- The scaling parameter for characteristic failure length approach.
- du
- The ultimate damage.
- E1
- The maximum specific energy.
- E2
- The failure specific energy.
- ehill_c
- The c multiplier for biaxial states.
- EI_max
- The failure internal energy.
- EI_ref
- The reference element size.
- elim
- The strain locus lower threshold.
- EN_max
- The failure internal energy in normal direction.
- epsbt
- The equivalent plastic necking strain in equi-biaxial tension.
- Epsdot
- The strain rate corresponding to failure strain function.
- epsdotr
- The Johnson-Cook model strain rate parameter.
- epsi1
- The intermediate equivalent plastic strain threshold.
- epsii
- The initial equivalent plastic strain threshold.
- Epsilon_11cf
- The failure strain in compression direction 11.
- Epsilon_11cm
- The rupture strain in compression direction 11.
- Epsilon_11tf
- The failure strain in tension direction 11.
- Epsilon_11tm
- The rupture strain in tension direction 11.
- Epsilon_12cf
- The failure strain in compression direction 12.
- Epsilon_12cm
- The rupture strain in compression direction 12.
- Epsilon_12tf
- The failure strain in tension direction 12.
- Epsilon_12tm
- The rupture strain in tension direction 33.
- Epsilon_22cf
- The failure strain in compression direction 22.
- Epsilon_22cm
- The rupture strain in compression direction 22.
- Epsilon_22tf
- The failure strain in tension direction 22.
- Epsilon_22tm
- The rupture strain in tension direction 22.
- Epsilon_23cf
- The failure strain in compression direction 23.
- Epsilon_23cm
- The rupture strain in compression direction 23.
- Epsilon_23tf
- The failure strain in tension direction 23.
- Epsilon_23tm
- The rupture strain in tension direction 23.
- Epsilon_31cf
- The failure strain in compression direction 31.
- Epsilon_31cm
- The rupture strain in compression direction 31.
- Epsilon_31tf
- The failure strain in tension direction 31.
- Epsilon_31tm
- The rupture strain in tension direction 31.
- Epsilon_33cf
- The failure strain in compression direction 33.
- Epsilon_33cm
- The rupture strain in compression direction 33.
- Epsilon_33tf
- The failure strain in tension direction 33.
- Epsilon_33tm
- The rupture strain in tension direction 33.
- Epsilon_Dot_0
- The reference strain rate.
- Epsilon_Dot_ref
- The reference strain rate.
- Epsilon_f1
- The failure tensile strain in direction 1.
- Epsilon_f2
- The failure tensile strain in direction 2.
- Epsilon_maxN
- The failure in normal direction.
- Epsilon_maxT
- The failure relative displacement (elongation) in tangential plane.
- Epsilon_r1
- The rupture tensile strain in direction 1.
- Epsilon_r2
- The rupture tensile strain in direction 2.
- Epsilon_t1
- The maximum strain.
- Epsilon_t2
- The tensile failure strain.
- epsiu
- The ultimate equivalent plastic strain threshold.
- epslim
- The maximum accumulated plastic strain.
- eps_n
- The equivalent plastic strain at void nucleation.
- epsp_min
- Lowest strain rate limit.
- epspst
- The equivalent plastic necking strain in plane-strain.
- epsut
- The equivalent plastic necking strain in uniaxial tension.
- erad1
- The first strain rate value.
- erad2
- The second strain rate value.
- erad3
- The third strain rate value.
- erad4
- The fourth strain rate value.
- erad5
- The fifth strain rate value.
- erad6
- The sixth strain rate value.
- erad7
- The seventh strain rate value.
- erad8
- The eighth strain rate value.
- ET_max
- The failure internal energy in tangent direction.
- expfrac
- The exponential anisotropic fracture coefficient expFrac.
- Exponent_N
- The failure exponent parameter in normal direction.
- Exponent_T
- The failure exponent parameter in tangential plane.
- f_0
- The initial void volume fraction.
- f_c
- The critical void volume fraction at void coalescence.
- f_cutoff
- The cutoff frequency.
- f_flag
- The filter flag
- f_r
- The void volume fraction at ductile failure.
- Factor_Loosemetal
- The loose metal curve calculation value.
- Factor_Marginal
- The marginal FLD curve calculation value.
- Fad_exp
- The fading exponent.
- fadexp
- The post-fracture damage exponent.
- Fading_Exponent_Curve
- The fading exponent curve ID.
- The crack depth PVB surface.
- The crack depth exposed surface.
- The crack depth at PVB surface.
- The stress filtering period in cycles.
- The crack growth exponent for subcritical crack growth.
- The group identifier for 3 node shell elements.
- The group identifier for 4 node shell elements.
- The failure propagation flag between neighbor elements.
- The relaxation time calculation.
- The fracture toughness.
- The fatigue threshold.
- The reference length.
- The reduction factor applied to failure criteria when one of the neighbor elements has already failed.
- The strain rate cutoff period.
- The crack growth velocity for subcritical crack growth at KIC.
- The maximum crach propagation velocity glass.
- fct_ID
- The function identifier of specific energy E1 E2 scaling factor.
- Fct_ID_11c
- The strain rate factor function in compression direction 11.
- Fct_ID_11t
- The strain rate factor function in tension direction 11
- Fct_ID_12c
- The strain rate factor function in compression direction 12
- Fct_ID_12t
- The strain rate factor function in tension direction 12
- Fct_ID_22c
- The strain rate factor function in compression direction 22
- Fct_ID_22t
- The strain rate factor function in tension direction 22
- Fct_ID_23c
- The strain rate factor function in compression direction 23
- Fct_ID_23t
- The strain rate factor function in tension direction 23
- Fct_ID_31c
- The strain rate factor function in compression direction 31
- Fct_ID_31t
- The strain rate factor function in tension direction 31
- Fct_ID_33c
- The strain rate factor function in compression direction 33
- Fct_ID_33t
- The strain rate function in tension direction 33
- fct_ID_TAB
- The FCT entity.
- fct_ID1
- The function of lower limit for fracture (S-R mode).
- fct_ID2
- The function of upper limit for fracture (S-R mode).
- fct_IDadv
- The failure advancement diagram.
- fct_IDd
- The damage function identifier.
- fct_IDel
- The element size factor function identifier.
- fct_IDFN
- The function identifier defining a scale factor for strain rate dependency in normal direction in rupture yield function.
- fct_IDFS
- The function identifier defining a scale factor for strain rate dependency in tangential direction in rupture yield function.
- fct_IDON
- The function identifier defining a scale factor for strain rate dependency in normal direction in initial yield function.
- fct_IDOS
- The function identifier defining a scale factor for strain rate dependency in tangential direction in initial yield function.
- fct_IDt
- The temperature factor function identifier.
- Fcut
- The cutoff frequency for strain rate smoothing.
- Fscale
- The failure strain function scale factor.
- Fscale_el
- The element size function scale factor.
- FscaleT
- The temperature function scale factor.
- Gamma
- The strain rate sensitivity parameter.
- Gamma_1
- Coupling factor 1
- Gamma_2
- The coupling factor 2.
- h_chi
- The non-local penalty parameter.
- I_Dam
- The damage calculation flag.
- i_loc
- The damage variable accumulation method flag.
- I_marg
- The marginal value:
- I_The flag
- The input type flag.
- i1dd
- The index of the stress tri-axiality factor in the look-up table.
- i1eta
- The index of the stress triaxiality in the look-up table.
- i2dd
- The index of the plastic strain rate in the look-up table.
- i2thb
- The index of the Lode parameter.
- i3dd
- The index of the porosity in the look-up table.
- i3mcl
- The index of the mesh characteristic element length.
- icutd
- The flag for activation/deactivation of damage cut-off if stress triaxiality (η) is less than or equal to -1/3.
- id
- The ID of the entity.
- The ID card exist flag.
- idlutdd
- The identification number of the look-up table specifying ductile damage function.
- Iduct
- The ductile-brittle materials flag.
- Ifail
- The flag for failure formulation.
- ifail_global
- The failure criterion reduction flag.
- Ifail_sh
- The shell failure flag.
- Ifail_so
- The flag for solid failure model.
- ifiltmso
- The flag for the filtering Müschenborn-Sonne parameter.
- Iform
- The formulation flag.
- ifunmso
- The mSO function identification number.
- Imoy
- The flag for failure 3D model (brick).
- include
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- Inst_start
- The instability start.
- internalid
- The ID of the entity.
- internalname
- The internal name of the entity.
- interpd
- The type of interpolation between damage curves.
- ipfrcd
- The post-fracture damage flag.
- Irate
- The stress filtering method:
- Is_Fading_Exponent_A_Curve
- The fading exponent curve flag.
- isencrypted
- The encryption entity.
- Istrain
- The engineering or true input strain flag.
- The rupture deactivation flag for compression.
- Ixfem
- The XFEM flag.
- K
- The critical damage integral.
- The crack propagation velocity time constant.
- k_w
- The shear damage growth coefficient.
- K1
- The stiffness in direction 1.
- K2
- The stiffness in direction 2.
- K3
- The stiffness in direction 3.
- ks
- The shear stress factor.
- Lambda
- The lambda exponent.
- lc_global
- The global characteristic failure length.
- lc_model
- The local characteristic failure length.
- lcd1
- The first shear/ductile damage - stress tri-axiality factor curve identification number.
- lcd2
- The second shear/ductile damage - stress tri-axiality factor curve identification number.
- lcd3
- The third shear/ductile damage - stress tri-axiality factor curve identification number.
- lcd4
- The fourth shear/ductile damage - stress tri-axiality factor curve identification number.
- lcd5
- The fifth shear/ductile damage - stress tri-axiality factor curve identification number.
- lcd6
- The sixth shear/ductile damage - stress tri-axiality factor curve identification number.
- lcd7
- The seventh shear/ductile damage - stress tri-axiality factor curve identification number.
- lcd8
- The eighth shear/ductile damage - stress tri-axiality factor curve identification number.
- m
- The 5th parameter.
- M_The flag
- The material selector flag.
- mat_id
- The material entity.
- mmc_c1
- The mMC parameter c1.
- mmc_c2
- The mMC parameter c2
- mmc_c3
- The mMC parameter c3.
- mmc_c4
- The mMC parameter c4.
- mmc_k
- The mMC parameter k.
- mmc_n
- The mMC parameter n.
- mmxfm
- A positive integer to indicate the mode mixed form for type COHENRG.
- mode
- The flag to switch failure propagation models between neighbor elements:
- moduleid
- The module ID of the entity.
- mshape
- The curvature ‘shape’ parameter for necking onset curve.
- n
- The damage accumulation parameter n.
- n_EMC
- The stress state sensivity exponent.
- n_f
- The parameter n_f.
- N_n
- The energy exponent in normal direction.
- N_rate
- The N rate.
- N_soft
- The softening exponent for failure.
- N_t
- The energy exponent in tangent direction.
- The hardening exponent.
- name
- The name of the entity.
- nf
- The numerical filter for the shear stress factor and the stress triaxiality.
- outputsuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set "do not export", 0 otherwise.
- P_min
- The pressure cutoff.
- P_thickfail
- The percentage of through thickness integration points failure limit.
- P_thinfail
- The ratio of thickness reduction before failure.
- p12_Negative
- The failure envelop factor 12 (-).
- p12_Positive
- The failure envelop factor 12 (+).
- p22_Negative
- The failure envelop factor 22 (-).
- Phi
- The coulomb friction angle for matrix and delamination.
- plaststrain_a
- The A multiplier.
- plaststrain_b
- The B multiplier
- plaststrain_c
- The C multiplier.
- plaststrain_d
- The D multiplier.
- plaststrain_d1
- The intermediate damage value.
- plaststrain_m
- The M exponent.
- plaststrain_n
- The N exponent.
- Plim
- The hydrostatic pressure limit.
- poolid
- The pool number of the entity.
- poolname
- The pool name of the entity.
- Pthk
- The element suppression criterion (for shells only) :% of thickness in normal direction to delete the element.
- q1
- The first Gurson damage coefficient.
- q2
- The second Gurson damage coefficient.
- R_fct_ID_N
- The failure scale factor in normal direction versus strain rate function identifier.
- R_fct_ID_T
- The failure scale factor in tangential plane versus strain rate function identifier.
- r_len
- The radius of non-local variable influence.
- r1
- The scaling factor for c1.
- r2
- The scaling factor for c2.
- r4
- The scaling factor for c3.
- r5
- The scaling factor for c4.
- r11
- The anisotropic fracture coefficient R11.
- r12
- The anisotropic fracture coefficient R12.
- r13
- The anisotropic fracture coefficient R13.
- r22
- The anisotropic fracture coefficient R22.
- r23
- The anisotropic fracture coefficient R23.
- r33
- The anisotropic fracture coefficient R33.
- Rani
- The average anisotropy factor.
- ratio
- The ratio control parameter.
- rel_ehsr
- The thickness to original thickness ratio for element elimination.
- rel_thic
- The percentage relative thickening before failure.
- rel_thin
- The percentage relative thinning before failure.
- rfail
- The ratio of failed plies for element elimination.
- S_The flag
- The flag for specific behavior.
- Sdel
- The scale factor for delamination criteria.
- sfacmso
- The value depending on the filtering option specified by IFILTMSO.
- shape
- The profile shape of the traction-opening curve in the descending part.
- Sigma_12
- The shear strength.
- Sigma_12f
- The fiber shear strength.
- Sigma_12m
- The matrix shear strength 12.
- Sigma_13m
- The matrix shear strength 13.
- Sigma_1c
- The longitudinal compressive strength.
- Sigma_1t
- The longitudinal tensile strength.
- Sigma_23m
- The matrix shear strength 23.
- Sigma_2c
- The transverse compressive strength.
- Sigma_2t
- The transverse tensile strength.
- Sigma_3t
- The through thickness tensile strength.
- Sigma_c
- The crush strength.
- Sigma_r
- The fracture stress.
- solver_id
- The solver ID of the entity.
- solverkeyword
- The name of the solver keyword.
- solvername
- The solver name of the entity for entities enabled for name pool, otherwise the internal name of the entity.
- T_max
- The duration paramater for energy failure criteria.
- table1_ID
- The failure strain table.
- table2_ID
- The instability strain table.
- Tau_max
- The dynamic time relaxation.
- Type
- The type selector:
- type
- The damage evolution type.
- v1, v2, v3
- The maximum value of strain or stress/traction depending on damage initiation type.
- w1, w2, w3
- The parameters for the material curve.
- wc1
- The mesh regularization parameter linked to the ductility in in-plane loading.
- wcb
- The mesh regularization parameter linked to the ductility in bending.
- wcs
- The mesh regularization parameter linked to the ductility in in-plane membrane loading.
- xscale
- The scale factor for the abscissa of the function.
- The scale factor for the abscissa strain rate for initial function.
- The scale factor for the abscissa strain rate for rupture function.
- Xscale1
- The scale factor for the first variable of table1.
- Xscale2
- The scale factor for the second variable of table1.
- Xscale3
- The scale factor for the first variable of table2.
- Xscale4
- The scale factor for the second variable of table2.
- xue_d0
- The Xue-Wierzbicki parameter D0.
- xue_d1
- The Xue-Wierzbicki parameter D1.
- xue_d2
- The Xue-Wierzbicki parameter D2.
- xue_d3
- The Xue-Wierzbicki parameter D3.
- xue_d4
- The Xue-Wierzbicki parameter D4.
- xue_d5
- The Xue-Wierzbicki parameter D5.
- xue_d6
- The Xue-Wierzbicki parameter D6.
- Y0
- The yield energy damage.
- Yc
- The critical energy damage.
Version History
2020 - Added new data names alpha, Alpha_Exp_Avg_Filter, C_max, C_min, color_rgb, Cr_core, cri, Factor_Loosemetal, Factor_Marginal, I_marg, Irate, mmxfm, mode, shape, Type, type, v1, v2, v3, w1, w2 and w3. Added new config values 301 and 302.
2020.1 - Added new data names C0, f_cutoff, f_flag, solverkeyword and xscale.
2021.1 – Added new data name epsp_min. Added new config values 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421. Added new data names cfrac, cockcroft_c, crisk, dinit, dmax, dpnck, du, ehill_c, elim, epsbt, epsdotr, epsi1, epsii, epsiu, epslim, epspst, epsut, erad1, erad2, erad3, erad4, erad5, erad6, erad7, erad8, expfrac, fadexp, i1dd, i1eta, i2dd, i2thb, i3dd, i3mcl, icutd, idlutdd, ifail_global, ifiltmso, ifunmso, interpd, ipfrcd, ks, lc_global, lc_model, lcd1, lcd2, lcd3, lcd4, lcd5, lcd6, lcd7, lcd8, mmc_c1, mmc_c2, mmc_c3, mmc_c4, mmc_k, mmc_n, mshape, nf, plaststrain_a, plaststrain_b, plaststrain_c, plaststrain_d, plaststrain_d1, plaststrain_m, plaststrain_n, r11, r12, r13, r22, r23, r33, rel_ehsr, rel_thic, rel_thin, rfail, sfacmso, wc1, wcb, wcs, xue_d0, xue_d1, xue_d2, xue_d3, xue_d4, xue_d5, and xue_d6.
2021.1 - Added new data names moduleid, poolid, poolname, and solver_id.
2021.2 - Added new config value 232 and new data names a_s, eps_n, f_0, f_c, f_r, h_chi, i_loc, k_w, q1, q2, and r_len. Added new data names internalname and solvername.