
Registers a solver for use in the Solver panel.




hm.cfg Commands


Registers a solver for use in the Solver panel. This command creates a Solver panel with user input fields. A maximum of six fields are allowed per solver. The solver field can be of type value or file.


The name that should appear in the Solver panel.
The name and path of the solver executable.
A character string that is passed to the operating system to invoke the solver, after substituting the user-input parameters.
A character string that is of type file or value, depending on the expected input. Each character string represents an input field. The number of strings is identical to the substitutable fields in the strings argument. A maximum of six fields are allowed per solver.


To register the OS solver with four user-input fields; one for the solver executable, one for the input file name, one for the memory in MB, and one for the output file name. The strings parameter undergoes the substitution with the user-input values. *solver is replaced by the solver executable name. *input is replaced by the input file (the extension is always .fem.) *memory in MB is replaced by the value. *output is replaced with the user-selected output file (the extension for output file is always .out).
*registersolver(OPTISTRUCT, optistruct, "*solver *input.fem *memory in 
MB > *output.out", "file:input", "value:memory in MB", "file:output")