Advanced averaging means that tensor (or vector) results are transformed into a consistent system and then each component
is averaged separately to obtain an average tensor (or vector).
Max of corner averaging means that the maximum value from all the corners of an element are extracted and the value is
shown at the centroid of the element.
Min of corner averaging means that the minimum value from all the corners of an element are extracted and the value is
shown at the centroid of the element.
Extreme of corner averaging means that the extreme value from all the corners of an element are extracted and the value
is shown at the centroid of the element.
The averaging options allow you to limit the averaging of results to only a group of elements that are considered to be
bound by same feature angle or face.
The Free Body Diagram (FBD) tool facilitates the extraction and post-processing of Grid Point Force (GPFORCE) results
and can be used create and edit Free Body Diagrams (FBD).
Starting in version 2021, the Stress Linearization tool has been renamed as Extract-Linearize and will support both the
Extract Data and Stress Linearization methods.
A result manipulation library that enables user-defined data types to be added to a result, and transitions complex data
manipulation tasks from HyperView to a reusable, modifiable set of libraries that focus solely on result processing tasks.
The fatigue manager allows you to write stress and strain results from a finite element analysis to an external file that
can be used to set up a fatigue analysis.
The fatigue configuration file is a user-defined external ASCII-file through which the data groups from results of static/modal/transient analysis of different solvers can be read.
Min of corner averaging means that the minimum value from all the corners of an element are extracted and the value is
shown at the centroid of the element.
Min of corner averaging means that the minimum value from all the corners of an element
are extracted and the value is shown at the centroid of the element.
The tensor and vector components are extracted and the
invariants are computed for each corner prior to assigning to the element centroid. For result
components, the corresponding components from each corner is extracted and then the minimum
value is assigned to the element centroid. For invariants, the corresponding invariants are
calculated from each tensor at the element corners and then the minimum value is assigned at
the centroid.
For example, as shown in Nodal Averaging of Elemental Results, there are four
tensors at each corner of the element A: [A1], [A2], [A3], and [A4].
The min of corner
aggregation of the xx component at the Element A centroid is:
This averaging option is only available when the Use corner data option is
checked in the Contour or Iso panels.