Data export to OptiStruct

These exports enable to transfer data to OptiStruct. Six types of export are available:
  • Exports of time forces, generate a .fem file of force variation versus time at the nodes. Only real vector data collection, transient and multi-steps are compatible with these exports. The user should specify:
    • The time interval to be exported. An error message appears if there is no data for one or several steps of a chosen interval for the data collection to be exported.
  • Exports of force harmonics, generate a .fem file of force variation versus frequency at the nodes. Only the collections of the FFT derived type are compatible. The user should specify:
    • The harmonics to be exported (either all harmonics, an interval or a list of harmonics).
  • Exports of static forces, generate a .fem file of forces at the nodes at current step. Only real vector data collections are compatible with these exports.
    Note: In the framework of this export, with the option "Write vectors in compact mode" activated,the exported data are compacted in order to get faster computation in OptiStruct; consequently, when imported in OptiStruct, only the resulting force values will be displayed, not the components.
  • Static heat volume density exports generate a .fem file of static heat sources at the volume elements. Only real scalar data collections are compatible with these exports.
  • Time heat volume density exports, generate a .fem file of heat volume density variation versus time at the elements. Only real scalar data collections, transient and multi-steps, are compatible with these exports. The user should specify:
    • The time interval to be exported. An error message appears if there is no data for one or several steps of a chosen interval for the data collection to be exported.
  • Exports of static temperatures, generate a .fem file of static temperatures at the nodes. Only real scalar data collections are compatible with these exports.
No matters their type, exports to OptiStruct must be defined by:
  • A file name
  • The possibility of defining the support mesh in the exported file
  • The type of forces definition (forces at nodes or global force over a support)

The behavior of global forces export is explained here.

Moreover, the following options can be specified in the Advanced tab of the creation box:
  • The ID of the main LOAD card ( or DLOAD)
  • The adding of BEGIN BULK and ENDDATA at the beginning and at the end of the file