Creating the Model
Create the model in CADFEKO. Define any ports and sources required for the model. Specify the operating frequency or frequency range for the model.
- Set the model unit to millimeters.
Define the following variables:
- shielding_height = 11.4 (height of the shielding box.)
- substrate_height = 1.57 (substrate height.)
- epsr = 2.33 (relative permittivity.)
- gnd_length = 92 (length and width of substrate.)
- port_offset = 0.5 (inset of feed point.)
- strip_width = 4.6 (width of microstrip sections.)
- strip_offset = 23 (microstrip offset from ground edge.)
- fmin = 1.5e9 (lowest calculation frequency.)
- fmax = 4e9 (highest calculation frequency.)
- stub_length = 18.4 (length of the stub.)
- stub_offset = 41.4 (distance from the ground edge to stub.)
Create dielectric media:
- Label: air
- Relative permittivity: 1
- Label: substrate
- Relative permittivity: epsr
Create the substrate layer.
Create a cuboid.
- Base corner (C): (0, 0, 0)
- Width (W): gnd_length
- Depth (D): gnd_length
- Heigth (H): substrate_height
- Label: substrate
Create a cuboid.
Create the shielding box.
Create a cuboid.
- Base corner (C): (0, 0, 0)
- Width (W): gnd_length
- Depth (D): gnd_length
- Heigth (H): shielding_height
- Label: shielding_box
Create a cuboid.
Create the microstrip.
Create a cuboid.
- Base corner (C): (port_offset, strip_offset, 0)
- Width (W): gnd_length-port_offset*2
- Depth (D): strip_width
- Heigth (H): substrate_height
- Label: microstrip
Note: A cuboid is created whereby the bottom face will be coincident with the ground plane (bottom face of shielding_box). Alternately, a polygon or rectangle could have been used to create the microstrip.
Create a cuboid.
- Delete all the vertical faces of the microstrip part.
Create the stub.
Create a line.
- Start point: (stub_offset, strip_offset+strip_width, substrate_height)
- End point: (stub_offset+strip_width, strip_offset+strip_width, substrate_height)
- Label: leading_edge.
Sweep the line.
- Start point: (0, 0, 0)
- End point: (0, stub_length, 0)
- Rename the sweep to stub.
Create a line.
Create the feed segments.
Create the first line.
- Start point: (0, strip_offset+strip_width/2, substrate_height)
- End point: (port_offset, strip_offset+strip_width/2, substrate_height)
- Label: feed1
Create the second line.
- Start point: (gnd_length-port_offset, strip_offset+strip_width/2, substrate_height)
- End point: (gnd_length, strip_offset+strip_width/2, substrate_height)
- Label: feed2
Create the first line.
- Union all the parts and rename the Union to shielded_filter.
- Set the Region of the substrate to substrate.
- Set the Region above the substrate to air.
Set the solution method on all regions to FEM.
Tip: Open the Region properties dialog and click the Solution tab. From the Solution method list, select Finite Element Method (FEM).
- Set all the face properties to PEC except for the surface of the substrate (the dielectric face at a height of substrate_height).
Set the frequency
- Continuous interpolated range
- Start frequency (Hz): fmin.
- End frequency (Hz): fmax.
Add two FEM line ports, one for each feed line.
Tip: From the Source/Load tab select FEM line port, use the option Specify port as an edge and click on the feed line in the 3D view.