ALE or Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian formulation is used to model the interaction between fluids and solids; in particular,
the fluid loading on structures. It can also be used to model fluid-like behavior, as seen in plastic deformation of materials.
Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is a meshless numerical method based on interpolation theory. It allows any function
to be expressed in terms of its values at a set of disordered point's so-called particles.
Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is a meshless numerical method based on interpolation theory. It allows any function
to be expressed in terms of its values at a set of disordered point's so-called particles.
Let the integral approximation of a scalar function in space:(1)
with the so-called smoothing length and a kernel approximation such that:(2)
and in a suitable sense(3)
denotes the Dirac function.
Let a set of particles =1, n at positions (=1,n) with mass and density . The smoothed approximation of the function is (summation over neighboring particles and the
particle itself):(4)
The derivatives of the smoothed approximation are obtained
by ordinary differentiation.(5)
The following kernel 1 which is an approximation of Gaussian
kernel by cubic splines was chosen (Figure 1):(6)
and (8)
Figure 1. Kernel Based on Spline Functions
This kernel has compact support, so that for each particle , only the closest particles contribute to
approximations at (this feature is computationally efficient). The
accuracy of approximating Equation 1 by Equation 4 depends on
the order of the particles.