Calculate Angles

The Calculate angles macro enables you to calculate spatial and planar angles between points.

Figure 1. Macros Menu > Calculate Angles Macro
Option Description
Select first point Use the Point collector to select the first point.
Select vertex Use the Point collector to select the vertex point.
Select third point Use the Point collector to select the third point.
Select reference marker Use the Marker collector to select the marker to define the reference frame of the results.
Absolute Angle The spatial angle created by the three points.
XY In Reference The angle projected to the reference marker's XY plane.
YZ In Reference The angle projected to the reference marker's YZ plane.
ZX In Reference The angle projected to the reference marker's ZX plane.
XY Global The angle projected to the global XY plane.
YZ Global The angle projected to the global YZ plane.
ZX Global The angle projected to the global ZX plane.