A mesh entity forming part of a mesh.
app = cf.GetApplication() project = app:NewProject() -- Settings for normal meshing project.SolutionSettings.SolverSettings.GeneralSettings.BasisFunctionSettings.HOBFEnabled = false project.Mesher.Settings.WireRadius = "0.01" advancedMeshSettings = project.Mesher.Settings.Advanced advancedMeshSettings.CurvilinearSegments = cf.Enums.MeshCurvilinearOptionsEnum.Disabled project.SolutionConfigurations[1].Frequency.Start = "1e08" -- Create geometry and mesh project.Geometry:AddLine(cf.Point(0, 0, 0), cf.Point(0, 0, 10)) project.Mesher:Mesh() project.Geometry["Line1"]:UnlinkMesh() -- Obtain the 'MeshEntity' that represent the mesh segment wire mesh = project.Meshes["Line1_1"] segmentWires = mesh.SegmentWires meshEntity = segmentWires["Wire1"]
The following objects are derived (specialisations) from the MeshEntity object:
Usage locations (object properties)
The following objects have properties using the MeshEntity object:
Property List
Method List
- Delete ()
- Delete the MeshEntity.
Property Details
Method Details
- Delete ()
- Delete the MeshEntity.