- Launching CADFEKO
Launch CADFEKO to get started with creating a model.
- Creating a Monopole
Create a monopole antenna as a single line element with a local wire radius. Zoom to extents and hide the main axes to view the full-length monopole in the 3D view.
- Creating a Transmission Line
Create a transmission line using a polyline curve with four corners. Zoom to extents to view the full model in the 3D view.
- Defining an Infinite Ground Plane
Define a perfectly conducting (PEC) infinite ground plane. An infinite ground plane is an efficient method to model a large ground plane compared to a discretised, finite sized ground plane.
- Setting the Simulation Frequency
Specify the frequency range of interest. For this example continuous frequency sampling is used where Feko determines automatically the frequency sampling for optimal interpolation.
- Adding Ports, Sources and Loads
Create two wire ports for the monopole and transmission line, excite the monopole with a voltage source and add a load to the transmission line.
- Meshing the Model
Create the mesh with the correct settings.
- Running CEM Validate
Check the model for any errors before running the Solver to ensure the model is electromagnetically validated.
- Launching the Solver
Launch the Solver to calculate the results. No requests were added to this model since impedance and current information are calculated automatically for all voltage and current sources in the model.