Viewing the Results

View and post-process the results in POSTFEKO.

  1. Compare the radiation pattern of the antenna for both the initial and the optimised antenna design. The gain in the back-lobe region (between 90° and 180°) is reduced to -7 dB. The gain in the main-lobe region (between 0° and 30°) is above 8 dB.

    Figure 1. The vertically polarised gain of the Yagi-Uda antenna before and after optimisation.
    Tip: To view the masks on the same graph, drag each mask from the model browser onto the graph, then apply a scale of 180 (Transform axis) to each mask's trace.
  2. View the optimum parameter values found during the optimisation search in the optimisation log file.
    Value of the aim function (analysis no. 181) is   4.954552265e+02
    Optimum found for these parameters:
    l0 = 2.464426480e-01
    l1 = 2.318887084e-01
    l2 = 2.315246187e-01
    l3 = 2.214966779e-01
    s0 = 2.280809962e-01
    s1 = 2.488307711e-01
    s2 = 2.975472065e-01
    No. of the last analysis: 212