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Converts non-negative integers to their equivalents in binary or a specified base.


R = de2bi(v)

R = de2bi(v, cols)

R = de2bi(v, cols, base)

R = de2bi(v, cols, base, fmt)


Finite, non-negative vector of integers.
Type: matrix | integer
cols (optional)
Specifies the number of columns in the output, R. An empty matrix can be specified if the number of columns is not restricted. If the length of the output, R, is less than cols, zeros will be padded to the most significant bit of the output. If the length of the output, R, is more than cols, the least significant part of the result is returned.
Type: Empty matrix or finite, positive integer
base (optional)
Integer greater than or equal to 2 (default), used as the base for the output, R.
Type: integer
fmt (optional)
Contains values 'right-msb' or 'left-msb', which specify whether the first or last element of R is most-significant. The default value is 'right-msb'.
Type: string


Binary representation of v. There will be a row for each number in v.
Type: matrix


Integer to binary with default values:
R = de2bi(56)
R = [Matrix] 1 x 6
0  0  0  1  1  1
Vector to binary in base 3:
R = de2bi([97, 65], [], 3)
R = [Matrix] 2 x 5
1  2  1  0  1
2  0  1  2  0
Vector to binary in base 3, specifying columns in output and left-msb:
R = de2bi([97, 65], 4, 3, 'left-msb')
R = [Matrix] 2 x 4
0  1  2  1
2  1  0  2