Review Identified Parts and Import/Export Templates

Review and edit the parts you have identified and import/export part templates.

  1. From the ultraFluidX ribbon, Setup group, Identify Parts tool group, click the Parts tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Optional: Click to import a part definition template saved from a previous session.
    Note: When importing a template, the names of the parts referenced in the .xml file need to match the part names in the current geometry, otherwise their properties won't be mapped.
  3. In the Parts dialog, review and edit the parts you have identified.
    • In the Parts column, edit a part's name.
    • In the Identify As column, change the part type.
    • In the Groups column, review the group the part is associated with.

    Figure 2.
  4. Optional: Click to export part definitions as an .xml template file.
  • Sort columns by clicking on a column's title.
  • Change the columns that display in the Parts dialog by right-clicking on a column's title. In the property dialog, select the corresponding check boxes of the columns you wish to display.