Streamlines are massless particles moving along a path with a velocity tangent to the streamline at every point.


STREAMLINE(“name”) { parameters}


User-given name


calculation_direction (enum)
Streamlines can be integrated either backward (upstream) or (forward) downstream or in both directions.
Options: forward, backward or both
time_limit (real)
Limits the length of the streamline when the streamline is calculated either backward or forward. It does not apply if both directions are selected.
display_seeds (boolean)
When activated, the seed locations will be displayed as spheres.
seed_type (enum)
Method of identifying seed locations
Options: rectangular, rake, from_file.
seed_file (string)
If seed type = from_file is selected, path to the file containing seeds.
normal_direction (enum)
Used when seed_type=rectangular
Options: x, y, z
x_center (real)
x-coordinate of centerpoint of rectangle. Used when seed_type=rectangular.
y_center (real)
y-coordinate of centerpoint of rectangle. Used when seed_type=rectangular.
z_center (real)
z-coordinate of centerpoint of rectangle. Used when seed_type=rectangular.
x_length (real)
Length of rectangle in the x direction. Used when seed_type=rectangular.
y_length (real)
Length of rectangle in the y direction. Used when seed_type=rectangular.
z_length (real)
Length of rectangle in the z direction. Used when seed_type=rectangular.
x_seeds (integer)
Number of seeds equally spaced along the rectangle in the x direction. Used when seed_type=rectangular.
y_seeds (integer)
Number of seeds equally spaced along the rectangle in the y direction. Used when seed_type=rectangular.
z_seeds (integer)
Number of seeds equally spaced along the rectangle in the z direction. Used when seed_type=rectangular.
x_1 (real)
x location of first seed of rake. Used with seed_type = rake.
y_1 (real)
y location of first seed of rake. Used with seed_type = rake.
z_1 (real)
z location of first seed of rake. Used with seed_type = rake.
x_2 (real)
x location of second seed of rake. Used with seed_type = rake.
y_2 (real)
y location of second seed of rake. Used with seed_type = rake.
z_2 (real)
z location of second seed of rake. Used with seed_type = rake.
num_seeds (integer)
Number of seeds to place between two specified points for rake
name (string)
User-given name of the command. The instance of a given command is referenced using this parameter.
Control the display style of the streamline
Options: complete, filament, filament_arrows, filament_spheres, growing, spheres_and_lines, spheres, lines_of_spheres, lines_of_dots, ribbons
color_type (enum)
Method used to set the display color
Options: constant, contour
constant_color (enum)
Display the streamline as a constant color
Options: white, green, blue, magenta, gray, yellow, light_blue, purple, red, black
num_contours (integer)
Number of contour lines to be displayed in legend
The limit is 500 contours.
contour_function (string)
Scalar quantity to be displayed on streamline (pressure, velocity, and so on)
line_thickness (enum)
Thickness of lines for mesh display and feature line display
Options: thin, medium, thick
vector_function (string)
Function to use for vector display
reference_part (string)
Part used as reference to display more realistic streamline scales
export (boolean)
Flag to export data in ASCII format
active_flag (boolean)
Read and process the command or ignore it
legend_display (boolean)
Flag to toggle on or off the visibility of the legend
legend_title (string)
Add a title to the legend
legend_subtitle (string)
Subtitle of legend
num_labels (integer)
Number of labels used in legend
legend_min (real)
Minimum value in legend
legend_max (real)
Maximum value in legend
legend_use_local (boolean)
Flag to indicate to use values for max and min of legend based on data available for specific visualization.
num_decimal_places (integer)
Number of decimal places to display in legend
legend_orientation (enum)
Specify orientation of the legend
Options: horizontal, vertical
legend_location (enum)
Location of the legend on the image
Options: top_left, top_center, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_center, bottom_right, center_left, center_right
invert_color_map (boolean)
Option to invert the colors of the colormap
filled_contours (boolean)
Option to display surface with constant colors within a polygon of the surface. If the scalar values change within a polygon, the polygon will then be split and colored appropriately for that polygon.
colormap_name (enum)
Colormap name to use for displaying the scalar function values
Options: spectrum, nasa-1, nasa-2, gray scale, color striped, black & white, striped, zebra, achromatic vision 1, achromatic vision 2, banded blue to red dark, banded blue to red light, banded grayscale, big difference, bio spectrum 1, bio spectrum 2, bloodflow doppler, blue chrome, camouflage, ccm blue red, ccm cool warm, ccm high contrast, ccm spectrum, cd spectrum, cd striped, chrome, cold, dark radiation, dark spectrum, dark green gradient, flame transition, gold, high contrast, hot, hot to cold diff, indigo flame, leaf color, radiation colors, red to blue diff, red to purple diff, relief map, relief map land, relief map ocean, simple flux, small difference, spectrum diff gray, spectrum diff white, steel blue, teal black gradient
log_scale (boolean)
When selected, the scalar will be colored using a logarithmic scale instead of a standard scale.
Can be used on all colormaps.


STREAMLINE("upstream rake"){
     calculation_direction      = forward
     time_limit                 = "_none"
     display_seeds              = off
     seed_type                  = rake
     normal_direction           = x
     x_1                        = (xMax-xMin)*.2 + xMin
     y_1                        = yMax*.99
     z_1                        = (zMax-zMin)/2.0 + zMin
     x_2                        = (xMax-xMin)*.2 + xMin
     y_2                        = yMin*.99
     z_2                        = (zMax-zMin)/2.0 + zMin
     num_seeds                  = nSeeds**2.0
     line_thickness             = thin
     color_type                 = contour
     contour_function           = "velocity_magnitude"
     legend_display             = on
     legend_subtitle            = "_none"
     vector_function            = "velocity"
     num_labels                 = 2
     legend_use_local           = off
     legend_min                 = .6*meanVel
     legend_max                 = 2.5*meanVel
     display_type               = complete