Create a Dashboard Using the SmartWorks Iot Connector

This connector enables you to retrieve the data stored in AnythingDB.

Important: To visualize data stored at the Raw History section in AnythingDB, or the data stored in a collection, you will first need to create an app. If not, skip Step 1 and begin at Step 2.
  1. Click Access Control > Apps and create a new App by following these steps.
    Note: The Application Client ID and Secret ID is required in configuring the New Workbook in Real time Vizualization module. Be sure to capture and save this information.
  2. Click Real Time Visualization > Workbooks.
  3. Select a folder to work in. By default a root folder with your username has been created. Right click to see the different operations you can perform.

    Figure 1.
  4. Click New Workbook.
  5. Enter a name for the Workbook and click Create.

    Figure 2.
  6. Create a Data Table by clicking the + icon.
    Data tables define the queries and source data repository definitions, in order to retrieve data.

    Figure 3.
  7. Under Data Table Settings, enter a title and click the check mark to save it. Enter a description, if desired.

    Figure 4.
  8. With Data Sources highlighted, under File/URL, select SmartWork IoT.
  9. Enter the following:
  10. Click Generate Columns, and then click Refresh Preview.
    The columns are populated and the requested data is displayed.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Click Back to return to the Edit Dashboard view.
  13. On the blank canvas (right half section), sketch a simple square by clicking and dragging on the blank interface.
    This enables the Visualization menu.
  14. Select the Visualization mode and configure it using the Visualization settings.
  15. To establish a limit with the new connector, under Row Limit, select Truncate Data Set and set the number of rows to display and click Save.