
Topic Data handles the transfer of Data through the different devices via MQTT. It will be able to send (publish) or receive (subscribe) Data. When you publish using MQTT, the Data will be sent, representing the same activity as an HTTP POST request.

Example of a Data MQTT publishing:
PUBLISH  user-manual/data/001
        "temperature": 50
        "connected": "True",
        "warnings": "False"

This action triggers the publishing of the Data from device number 132. The Data will be stored in the Thing bucket along with the data sent through HTTP protocols.

If you subscribe to this topic you will receive the Data published:
  • Subscription:
    SUBSCRIBE  user-manual/data/<thing-ULID>
  • Message received due to subscription (Data published):
            "temperature": 50
            "connected": "True",
            "warnings": "False"