Stream Processing is a method of tracking and analyzing streams of information of an event, and eventually obtaining useful structured
conclusions out of that raw information.
SmartWorks IoTEdgeOps is a set of tools for building, maintaining and continuously improving code in resource constrained devices at the
edge of smart product ecosystems.
The MQTT Inspector allows you to see MQTT incoming topics and messages and the format
of the data payload. A list of the messages and topics is shown so you will know
what topics are available.
Display the MQTT Inspector by opening the Utility Belt and clicking
MQTT Inspector.
Note: The MQTT Inspector can also be access from the toolbar, after selecting a
A summary of topics and total messages received is shown.
Expand the nodes of the topic tree to see specific details of the data.
Click on any of the topics to see a more detailed view, including the topic
path and the last message received from the topic.
Expand the History view is display the historical data. You can adjust the
frequency limit of messages to display (10 messages are displayed by
By default, you are subscribed to all the topics of the space. Click on the
marked button to filter the subscription topics to get just the data
The following appears:
Change the topic and see how the data stored in the MQTT Inspector