Altair® Monarch®


Table Design

Table Design allows you to refine your table definition. For instance, you can change field names and display order, create an external lookup, define computed fields, or define filters and sorts.


The Table Design interface has the following elements:



[ 1 ] Ribbon

Displays all the tools you need to work with a report template.

Refer to the Table Design Ribbon Quick Reference.

[ 2 ] Table Definition

Displays all the fields that make up you table. Modify your field properties as needed.

[ 3 ] Data Preview

Displays a sample of the data, including calculations from formula fields.

The feedback provided by Data Preview allows you to modify relevant fields as soon as issues are observed. Data Preview displays the first 100 detail rows of reports or the first 100 imported rows of database sources.


To go to Table Design, select Table Design on the Table View ribbon.

Table Design actions

From within Table Design, you can also do the following: