Altair Inspire 2019.2

Altair Inspire version 2019.2 includes the following new features and enhancements.

New Features

The new Fit PolyNURBS feature allows you to automatically wrap optimization results with PolyNURBS. This option can be found on the optimization Shape Explorer.
PolyNURBS Shape Optimization
You can now improve the design of PolyNURBS parts using PolyNURBS shape optimization. Start by using the new PolyNURBS Shape Variables tool to select locations on the part to be optimized. Then run a PolyNURBS optimization from the Run Optimization window, select which shape variables to include, and review the results.
New Center of Gravity Tool
You can now add center of gravity constraints using the COG tool. Center or gravity constraints are used to limit the position of the center of gravity while running a topology optimization.
Midsurfacing Improvements
The Midsurface tool workflow has been changed to make it faster. You now select a thin solid to preview the midsurface, and can choose to extract either the midsurface or one of the outside faces.
New Smooth Results Option for Topology Optimization
This is a new option in the Shape Explorer that smooths the results of a topology optimization.
Decreased Run Time When Using Multiple CPU Cores
A new preference has been added under Run Options that allows you to select an alternative OptiStruct solver method that is more efficient for large models.
Minimum Gauge for Topology Optimization
Added a new property for surface parts that allows you to input a minimum gauge for topology optimization. This results in a part that contains no holes and helps show where rib structures should be placed.
Rotate with Part for Actuator
For actuators that have been defined by a single feature and have ground as the reaction body, you have the option for the actuator to Rotate with Part (or not rotate with the part). This option is offered for actuators that have a controller (displacement, velocity) and for force actuators.
Suppress/Unsuppress Entities
Joints, fasteners, and motion entities (for example, springs or motion contacts) can now be suppressed. This feature is useful for studying the effects of a given entity on system behavior or when debugging a model. The Suppress (and Unsuppress) options are available from the context menu when you right-click on an entity. When an entity is suppressed, it appears in the Model Browser and tables in a disabled state, but it is not considered in the motion analysis.
Use Summed Contact Forces for Load Extraction
Previously when you performed structural analysis or part optimization with motion contacts, the number of individual forces may have been too numerous to solve efficiently. Now you can transfer a Summed at Contact Region representation of the contact forces instead of the individual contact forces themselves. This setting can be found on the Run Part Analysis and Run Part Optimization windows under Loads from Motion.


The following changes and enhancements have also been added:

  • New Right-Click Exit Behavior: The method to exit tools on the ribbon has changed slightly. You now right-click to bring up a context menu, then mouse through or click the check mark to exit. You can double right-click to exit directly without viewing the context menu.
  • New Preference to Disable Cloud Connections: Dark sites can now disable access to the Altair 365 cloud in the Preferences.
  • Integrator DAE Index: A setting for the Integrator DAE Index is now available from the Run Motion Analysis window under the Advanced Solver Settings. This is the index of the Differential and Algebraic Equations (DAE) for the solver.
  • Topology Optimization Iterations: You can now visualize topology optimization iterations as well as contour the density.
  • PDM Enhancements: Made several enhancements when opening and saving models using a PDM system.
  • Measure Deformed Shapes: Added the ability to measure deformed shapes.
  • Shape Explorer Menu: Added a context menu to the Shape Explorer with an option to open the run folder.
  • Buckling Load Factors: Simplified the visualization of the buckling loads factor results.
  • Animation Toolbar: Added an animation toolbar and the ability to record analysis results.
  • Alignment Snapping to Edge for Flexible Joints and Torsion Springs: This feature applies to joints defined with Behavior as Flexible and the Rate Specification as Advanced. The local coordinate system that is used to define the rates can be oriented with the Angle property or the graphical manipulator. With the current release, the angle manipulator tool now enables the x-axis to be easily aligned with another arbitrary edge in the motion model.
  • Units Suffix on Exported Files in Motion: Default names for files exported from motion models now include an abbreviated units suffix such as ..._MMKS or..._IPS_Std. This is done for model export (.mdl, .mspy), spreadsheet format (.csv), and images exported from plots and the profile editor (.png).
  • Cascading Menus for Adding and Removing Table Columns: Some tables now display cascading menus that allow you to add and remove columns. For example, the Joints table now has two cascaded categories, Rate and Friction. You can select the check box on the left side of the category to enable all columns for that category, or you can select the columns individually to add or remove them.
  • Keep Force Results for Motion Contacts: This option lets you limit the number of contact forces that are stored in the model after motion analysis. It can be specified on a global level from the Run Motion Analysis window under Contacts, or for individual motion contacts from the Property Editor.
  • Improved Units Handling on Impact Stiffness: For motion contacts with a Collision Type of Impact, you can now enter the Stiffness value in your preferred units set and the nonlinear effect of the Exponent parameter will be accounted for automatically. The same improvement has been made for the Stiffness on spring limits for coil springs.