Engine Subroutine FnnLAWC for Shell Elements

This subroutine calculates the criteria of the failure model.

Use the Fortran float external function FINTER (shown below) to get the value Y of the function for the abscissa X:
Interpolated value
Abscissa value of the function
The ith user’s function
Private function parameters


The argument list of FnnLAWC and its individual arguments and descriptions are:
                           SUBROUTINE FnnLAWC (
     1        NEL           ,NUPARAM    ,NUVAR          ,NFUNC             ,IFUNC    , NPF ,
     2        TF              ,TIME              ,TIMESTEP     ,UPARAM          , NGL       , IPT
     3        NPT0         ,NOT_USE_I1 ,NOT_USE_I2 ,   NOT_USE_I3 ,  
     4        SIGNXX   ,SIGNYY         ,SIGNXY         ,SIGNYZ             ,SIGNZX  ,
     5        EPSPXX   ,EPSPYY         ,EPSPXY          ,EPSPYZ             ,EPSPZX  ,
     5        EPSXX     ,EPSYY            ,EPSXY            ,EPSYZ               ,EPSZX    ,
      7       PLA          ,DPLA              ,EPSP                ,UVAR                ,UEL        ,


Argument Format Description
NEL Integer read only scalar Number of elements per group. In the Engine subroutine, the element data are treated by groups for vectorization purposes.
NUPARAM Integer read only scalar Size of user parameter array.
NUVAR Integer read only scalar Number of user integration point element variables.
NFUNC Integer read only scalar Number of functions used for failure model materials.
IFUNC Integer array read only Array of size NFUNC containing function indexes.
NPF Integer array private data Array used by FINTER (float external functions).
TF Float array private data Array used by FINTER (float external functions).
TIME Float read only Current time.
TIMESTEP Float read only Current time step.
UPARAM Float array read only User failure parameter array of size NUPARAM.
IPT Integer scalar read only Current layer or integration points.
NPT0 Integer scalar read only Number of layers or integration points.
NGL Integer array read only Array of size NEL containing the external element number.
EPSPXX, EPSPYY, EPSPZZ, EPSPXY, EPSPYZ, ESPPZX Float array read only Array of size NEL containing strain rates in directions XX, YY, and ZZ and strain rates in directions XY, YZ, and ZX.
EPSXX, EPSYY, EPSZZ, EPSXY, EPSYZ, EPSZX Float array read only Array of size NEL containing strain in directions XX, YY, and ZZ and strain rates in directions XY, YZ, and ZX.
SIGNXX, SIGNYY, SIGNZZ, SIGNXY, SIGNYZ, SIGNZX Float array read write Array of size NEL containing stress in directions XX, YY, ZZ, XY, YZ, and ZX.
PLA Float array read only Array of size NEL containing equivalent plastic strain.
DPLA Float array read only Array of size NEL containing incremental equivalent plastic strain.
EPSP Float array read only Array of size NEL, equivalent of strain rate.
UVAR Float array read write Array of size NEL*NUVAR containing integration point element variables.
UEL Float array read write Array of size NEL, containing the number of layers in which the failure criteria is satisfied for all elements.
OFF Float array read write Array of size NEL containing deleted element flags.
If the element is OFF
LENGTH Float array read only Array of size NEL, characteristic length of the element
AREA Float array read only Array of size NEL, surface area of integration point
NOT_USE_I1, NOT_USE_I2, NOT_USE_I3, NOT_USE_I4 Integer scalar Not used. Can be used in the future.
NOT_USED3, NOT_USED4, NOT_USED5 Float scalar Not used. Can be used in the future.