Starter Subroutine LECMnn

This subroutine reads the user’s law input data.

The seven first material cards (see Radioss Starter Input Manual 3.1 to 4.1) are read before this subroutine is called.

The number of specific material cards and their formats is free.


The argument list of LECMnn and its individual arguments and descriptions are:


Argument Format Description
IIN Integer read only scalar Input file unit (Starter input file) on which the data are read.
IOUT Integer read only scalar Output file unit (Starter output file).
UPARAM Float array Array with a size NUPARAM used to store material data.
MAXNUPARAM Integer read only scalar Maximum possible size of UPARAM.
NUPARAM Integer scalar Effective size of UPARAM. (MAXNUPARAM~NUPARAM, MAXNUPARAM set to 1,000).
NUVAR Integer scalar Number of extra variables needed for each element in SIGEPSnn.
IFUNC Integer array Array with a size NFUNC with the list of Radioss functions used for this law. The function numbers have to be stored in this array (and not in UPARAM) because of a possible renumbering of function numbers.
MAXFUNC Integer read only scalar Maximum possible size of IFUNC.
NFUNC Integer scalar Number of Radioss functions. (MAXFUNC, NFUNC, MAXFUNC set to 100).
PARMAT Float array of size 3 Modulus needed to compute interface stiffness. The Young’s or bulk modulus can define this value. The value is also used in Radioss Starter to make an estimation of the time step.