Sample configuration files and geometry input files are provided with the binary to test the proper system setting
and see if the simulation starts correctly on the system.
nanoFluidX uses two files to setup a simulation. Apart from the configuration file, which defines all relevant simulation parameters
and phase properties, a geometry file is required that defines the initial discretization of the problem with
nanoFluidX companion (also known as, nFX[c]) is a post-processing tool developed to accompany the nanoFluidX solver and allow for an easier execution of certain post-processing tasks.
nanoFluidX prep, shortened as nFX[p], is an auxiliary executable for nanoFluidX intended to eliminate a number of potential user errors during the pre-processing phase.
In the nanoFluidX installation folder you will find the
PV_nFX_aux folder containing three additional folders:
PV_backgrounds, PV_materials, and
PVnFXTools. The ParaView nanoFluidX toolbar is in PVnFXTools
Figure 1. Contents of the PV_nFX_aux folder
The requirement of ParaView for automatically loaded Plugins is to keep the location
of the plugin consistent. For PVnFXTools, this means the
location of the folder and the files in it should not be altered.
Figure 2. Contents of the PVnFXTools folder
Copy the PVnFXTools folder to a location of your
Important: For automatic loading of the Plugin, the folder and file
locations should not change.
Note: In some scenarios, ParaView explicitly requests the
PVnFXTools folder to be put in the bin/ folder of
the ParaView installation. For example: C:\Program Files\ParaView
5.8.0\bin\PVnFXTools. If you are using a ParaView
installation on the compute node, it is also possible to not change anything
and use the files in the original nanoFluidX
installation folder.
Open ParaView.
From the menu bar, open Tools > Manage Plugins.
Figure 3. Select Manage Plugins
In the Plugin Manager dialog, select Load
Figure 4. Select Load New
Navigate to the PVnFXTools folder and select the
In the Plugin Manager dialog, select the
PVnFXTools_withtoolbar plugin.
Enable the Auto Load checkbox and click
Figure 5. Enable Auto Load checkbox
Two nanoFluidX menus appear in
the toolbar section of the ParaView user interface. The tools should also be available
in the Filters drop-down menu. The coloring of the tools will appear only once the data
is loaded into the session.
Figure 6. Essential and Extra Tools
Essential nanoFluidX tools:
SPH Line Interpolator
SPH Surface Interpolator
SPH Volume Interpolator
Extra nanoFluidX tools:
Plot Data
Surface Vectors
Extract Time Steps
Temporal Statistics
Plot Selection Over Time
Compute Derivatives
Integrate Variables
Descriptive Statistics
Probe Location
SPH Dataset Interpolator
Resample with Dataset
Table to Points
Extract Selection
Programmable Filter
The majority of post-processing can be done with essential set of
nanoFluidX tools. The extra tools are intended only
for corner case post-processing requirements.