Create Your Own Modeling Elements
The MotionSolve Python Interface allows you to create and use higher level modeling elements. The example below explains in detail. Note, the example shown below could have been done without using the MotionSolve Python Interface, however, it would have been harder to create and more difficult to use.
MotionSolve provides a rich library of general purpose and phenomena specific modeling elements. You can combine these to define new modeling elements that exhibit new behavior. This process is called aggregation. MotionSolve provides a special Composite class to represent such objects.
The Composite Class
Composite is a special class that allows you to aggregate entities, such as parts, markers, forces, differential equations, algebraic equations and other MotionSolve primitives. A composite class object behaves just like any other solver object except it is a collection of entities conveniently packaged together. They behave as atomic entities and can be instantiated multiple times. The composite class you create is inherited from the built-in composite class. The examples below shows how you can create your own composite class.
For example, assume you want to create a composite class called a low pass ButterworthFilter. The link explains the Butterworth filter is in great detail - it is summarized here. A low pass filter allows low frequency signals to pass through. It attenuates (decays) high frequency signals. A cutoff frequency defines the frequency at which the attenuation begins. As the frequency increases, the degree of attenuation increases. Butterworth filters have an order; the higher the order the more rapid is the cutoff.
from msolve import *
class ButterworthFilter (Composite):
from msolve import *
class ButterworthFilter (Composite):
inputSignal = Function()
outputSignal = Function ()
order = Int (3)
You have to write two special methods: createChildren and updateChildren to define the behavior of this class. You can also optionally write a validate method, validateSelf.
- createChildren: Used to create all the MotionSolve entities that are needed by the composite class. When the composite class object is created, the createChildren method is invoked. This happens only once, at the creation of the composite object. In createChildren you will instantiate various MotionSolve objects and define their immutable properties.
- updateChildren: Used to define all the mutable properties of the class. For instance, the coefficients of the Butterworth filter depend on the order of the filter. Similarly, the input signal to act on can be changed. The updateChildren method defines the order of the filter and the input signal. They can also be defined in the createChildren method, but this is optional.
- validateSelf: Checks the input to ensure that the data provided to the ButterworthFilter object is physically meaningful.
from msolve import *
class ButterworthFilter (Composite):
"""The Butterworth filter is a type of signal processing filter designed to have
as flat a frequency response as possible in the passband. It is also referred
to as a maximally flat magnitude filter and it is generally used to eliminate
high frequency content from an input signal.
inputSignal = Function ()
outputSignal = Function ()
order = Int (3)
#- topology ----------------------------------------------------------------
def createChildren (self):
"""This method is called once when the object is created. It is used to
define all the 'immutable' properties of the class. The Butterworth
filter consists of the following:
* A string containing the function expression defining the input signal
* A VARIABLE that defines the input signal
* A TFSISO that captures the input to output relationship
* An ARRAY of type 'X' to hold the internal states of the TFSISO
* An ARRAY of type 'Y' to hold the output from TFSISO
* An ARRAY of type 'U' to hold the input signal to the TFSISO
* A string that defines the function expression to access the output
self.var = Variable (function=self.inputSignal)
x = Array (type="X")
y = Array (type="Y")
u = Array (type="U", size=1, variables=[self.var])
num = [1]
den = [1, 2, 2, 1] = Tfsiso (label="Butterworth Filter", x=x, y=y, u=u, numerator=num,
self.outputSignal = "ARYVAL({id},1)".format(
#- Update Children -----------------------------------------------------------
def updateChildren (self):
"""This is called when the property value changes to propagate the change
to the child objects
self.var.function = self.inputSignal
if self.order == 1: = [1, 1]
elif self.order == 2: = [1, math.sqrt(2), 1]
elif self.order == 3: = [1, 2, 2, 1]
elif self.order == 4: = [1, 2.6131, 3.4142, 2.6131, 1]
#- validate ----------------------------------------------------------------
def validateSelf (self, validator):
validator.checkGe ("order", 1)
validator.checkLe ("order", 4)
Having created the ButterWorth composite class, you can now use it as an "atomic" object in any model. The example below is a nonlinear mass-spring-damper that oscillates in the global y-direction. Gravity is in the negative y-direction. An impulsive force of 100N is provided in the y-direction at T=1 second. The impulse ends at 1.1 seconds.
## The Model ################################################################
def butterworthFilter ():
m = Model ()
Units (mass="KILOGRAM",length="MILLIMETER", time="SECOND", force="NEWTON")
Accgrav (jgrav=-9800)
Integrator (error=1e-7)
ground = Part (ground=True)
# Mass
block = Part (mass=1.4702,ip=[44144.717,44144.717,73.5132,0,0,0]) = Marker (part=block, qp=[0,10,0], zp=[0,11,0])
# Translational joint
jjm = Marker (part=ground, qp=[0,0,0], zp=[0,1,0])
jnt = Joint (type="TRANSLATIONAL",, j=jjm)
# Nonlinear Spring-damper
fexp = "-10*(DY({i},{j})-10)**3 -1e-3*VR({i},{j})".format(,
nlspdp = Sforce (type="TRANSLATION",, j=jjm, function=fexp)
# Impulse force
iforce = "STEP(TIME, 1, 0, 1.04, 10) *STEP(TIME, 1.05, 10, 1.1, 0)"
sfim = Marker (part=block, qp=[0,10,0], zp=[0,11,0])
impulse = Sforce (type="TRANSLATION", actiononly=True, i=sfim, j=jjm, function=iforce)
# Filter
inputSignal = "VY({i}, {j})".format(,
m.filt = ButterworthFilter (inputSignal=inputSignal, order=1)
# Requests
m.r1 = Request (type="DISPLACEMENT",, j=jjm)
m.r2 = Request (type="VELOCITY",, j=jjm)
m.r3 = Request (type="ACCELERATION",, j=jjm)
m.r4 = Request (type="FORCE",, j=jjm)
m.r5 = Request (f2=m.filt.inputSignal, f3=m.filt.outputSignal)
m.r6 = Request (type="FORCE", i=sfim, j=jjm)
return m
## Entry Point ################################################################
if __name__ == "__main__":
m = butterworthFilter ("butterworth-1")
m.simulate (type="DYNAMICS", end=5, dtout=0.005)
m = butterworthFilter ("butterworth-2")
m.filt.order = 2
m.simulate (type="DYNAMICS", end=5, dtout=.005)
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
Note that Python has a powerful build in help mechanism that allows to associate documentation with modules, classes and functions. Any of such objects can be documented by adding a string constant as the first statement in the object definition. The docstring should describe what the function or class does. This allows the users and the programmer to inspect objects classes and methods at runtime by invoking the help function on a class, function or object instance.
help (ButterworthFilter)
Assuming this is file, then this string, being the
first statement in the file, will become the "mymodule" module's
docstring when the file is imported.
class MyClass(object):
"""The class's docstring"""
def my_method(self):
"""The method's docstring"""
def my_function():
"""The function's docstring"""
Friction Modeling Example
- Dynamic friction
- Static or Coulomb friction
- Rate dependent friction phenomena, such as varying breakaway force and frictional lag
- VS = Stiction to dynamic friction transition velocity
- MUS = Coefficient of static friction
- MUD = Coefficient of dynamic friction
- K0 = Bristle stiffness
- K1 = Bristle damping
- K2 = viscous coefficient
## Velocity in joint |
## Stribeck factor |
## The normal force |
## Coulomb friction |
## Static Friction |
## ODE defining bristle deflection z |
## The friction force |
- A DIFF defining the bristle deflection
- A FORCE defining the friction element
from msolve import *
## LuGre Friction Element######################################################
class LuGre (Composite):
Create a friction force on a translational joint using the LuGre friction model.
The LuGre friction force consists of 4 atomic elements:
1. A DIFF defining the bristle deflection
2. A MARKER defining the point of action of the friction force
3. A FORCE defining the friction element
4. A REQUEST capturing the friction force on the block
joint = Reference (Joint)
vs = Double (1.E-3)
mus = Double (0.3)
mud = Double (0.2)
k0 = Double (1e5)
k1 = Double (math.sqrt(1e5))
k2 = Double (0.4)
#- topology----------------------------------------------------------------
def createChildren (self):
"""This is called when the object is created so the children objects
# The DIFF defining bristle deflection
self.diff = Diff (routine=self.lugre_diff, ic=[0,0])
# The MARKER on which the friction force acts = Marker ()
# The FORCE defining the friction force
self.friction = Sforce (type="TRANSLATION", actiononly=True,
# The REQUEST capturing the friction force
self.request = Request (type="FORCE", comment="Friction force")
#- Update Children -----------------------------------------------------------
def updateChildren (self):
"""This is called when the property value changes to propagate the change
to the child objects
self.friction.i = self.joint.i
self.friction.j = self.joint.j (body=self.joint.i.body, qp=self.joint.i.qp, zp=self.joint.i.zp)
self.request.setValues (, j=self.joint.j, rm=self.joint.j)
#- validate ----------------------------------------------------------------
def validateSelf (self, validator):
validator.checkGe0 ("VS")
validator.checkGe0 ("MUS")
validator.checkGe0 ("MUD")
validator.checkGe0 ("K0")
validator.checkGe0 ("K1")
validator.checkGe0 ("K2")
if self.mud > self.mus:
msg = tr("Mu dynamic({0}) must be <= Mu static ({1})",
self.mud, self.mus)
#- Lugre Diff ------------------------------------------------------------
def lugre_diff (self, id, time, par, npar, dflag, iflag):
"Diff user function"
i = self.joint.i
j = self.joint.j
vs = self.vs
mus = self.mus
mud = self.mud
k0 = self.k0
z = DIF(self)
v = VZ(i,j,j,j)
N = math.sqrt (FX(i,j,j)**2 + FY(i,j,j)**2)
fs = mus*N
fc = mud*N
p = -(v/vs)**2
g = (fc + (fs - fc) * math .exp(p))/k0
if iflag or math.fabs(g) <1e-8:
return v
return v - math.fabs(v) * z / g
#- friction_force -----------------------------------------------------------
def lugre_force (self, id, time, par, npar, dflag, iflag):
"Friction Force user function"
i = self.joint.i
j = self.joint.j
diff = self.diff
k0 = self.k0
k1 = self.k1
k2 = self.k2
v = VZ (i,j,j,j)
z = DIF (diff)
zdot = DIF1 (diff)
F = k0*z + k1*zdot + k2*v
return -F